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Over the last 150 years some of psychology's many prominent theorists have had an antagonistic relationship with faith (e.g., Freud, 1927; Watson, 1924). In this tradition, there is very little training or coursework provided in undergraduate and graduate psychology programs on faith, religion, and spirituality. Given this, you might suspect that the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct of the APA lack applicability to the Christian Psychologist. However, it is difficult to organize a profession that focuses on healing human suffering without including aspects of God's message to his followers. Please read the General Principles of the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct found online at http://www(dot)apa(dot)org/ethics/code/index.aspx. Find a New Testament Scripture reference that supports application of Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct of the APA and discuss how this scripture Supports the one of the general principles. Then reply to the following post with 100 words per post… In I Corinthians 11:3-5 describes how it would be dishonest to pray or prophesis in the wrong manner to dishonor their head. This scripture supports Principle D: Justice of the General Principles, in this principle discussion speaks how psychologist want to provide reasonable judgment. This principle is to ensure caution not to promote unjust behavior, scripture is an example as it says, "Every man who pray or prohesis with his head covered dishonors his head. And every woman that pray or prophesis with her head uncovered dishonors her head- it is just as though her head were shaved". Both the Principle and the scripture is proving that in order to show complete honor of authority for a particular person, there are certain rules that need to be followed. People often don't follow a way that would be justified to the respect of others. Tendencies cause them to follow their own actions, in respect to the principle and scripture by doing what is of reasonable judgment will be plainly beneficial moving forward to continue to receive the appropriate level of respect deserved by all. Not acting in a justified behavior can cause consequences that may or may not teach a person better. And the second post that needs a reply is… Scripture reference supports application of each of the general principles found in the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct of the American Psychological Association. For purposes of this discussion board I will focus on one of them – Principle B: Fidelity and Responsibility. Part of this principle states, “ Psychologists consult with, refer to, or cooperate with other professionals and institutions to the extent needed to serve the best interests of those with whom they work”. One scriptural reference that supports this application is found in Romans 12:3 which states, “for I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith” (King James Version). This scripture admonishes us to be mindful of our own frailties and potential to make mistakes, and even to fall. For this reason, we are to place our full confidence in the Lord and in the Holy Spirit who will lead us and guide us into all truth (see John 16:13; King James Version). Additionally, Christians are reminded that there are different operations of gifts, different administrations to be used for the edification of the body of Christ (see I Corinthians 12: 4-6; King James Version). Although this scripture is addressing the body of Christ, the principle is seen beyond the realm of the church alone. It is seen in the medical field, political, educational, etc. This principle tells us that we do not all have the same abilities. In the counseling field, psychologists need to abide within the framework of their own abilities and be willing to refer their clients to someone who would be better equipped to address the needs of clients whose needs extend beyond the scope of the counselor's expertise. The Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct of the American Psychological Association I have found that there are many scriptures (in the old and new testaments) that coincide with the principles stated therein. I personally believe that it is highly unlikely for anyone to find any law, principle, or standard that is right and beneficial to the well-being of mankind and society that cannot be traced back to the principles and commandments given thousands of years ago by God and recorded in the Holy Scriptures. No matter what people may try to do to eliminate God or His word, especially when it pertains to matters of benevolence, or coming to the aid of those who are suffering, it is virtually impossible.
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Reply 1
The APAs ethical principle of psychologist and code of conduct is referred to as the Ethics Code. However, the ethic code consists of a Preamble, an Introduction, specific Ethical Standards, and six General Principles. The introduction part involves discussion of to which extend the code of ethics can be applied, procedural considerations, organization, and the intention of the code application. The General Principles and the Preamble are the primary goals and ambitions that guides psychologist toward the highest psychology. The preambles and the general principles are normally the bodies that interpret the standard of ethics. Christians should adhere to the ethic code of APA and to the principles and methods of implementing it. Christians whether they are members of APA or whether they are not should understand that other members of the church might apply ethical code to them (Jones & Yarhouse 2000).
Reply 2
The bible has on several times referred to homosexuality; the bible has been interpreted historically as condemning the behavior of homosexuality. The bible has mentioned homosexuality to the extent that has made Christians be extra concerned about it. Many psychologists in trying to apply the ethics code in to this reference, they have disputed the assertions that have been raised in concern of homosexuality.
Considering homosexuality in the New Testament, we focus on scriptures like, in first Romans chapter 26 that states that because of homosexuality God gave the people of Sodom a shameful lust. The women of Sodom were in love with fellow women; on the other hand, men loved their fellow men. They committed an act that was not decent; therefore, applying the ethics code on this reference, the entire Sodom village received the due penalty for their behavior (Jones & Yarhouse 2000).
This reference has supported application of Ethica...
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