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Antigone Poster Project

Essay Instructions:

choose one concept (theme) that is evident in sophocles' Antigone to discuss and illustrate . Antigone Poster Project

*pride *crime and punishment

*family * curses

*anarchy * fate /prophecy

*divine law *leadership

*respect for the dead *vengeance

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Antigone poster project
October 19 2018
Antigone poster project
Antigone is a play in which Pride and its effects is portrayed as the main theme among others. Creon took stand and started violating the law and does not have the will to step down. Creon was so proud of his power in which he took advantage of making conclusion which he did not want to be compromised. Creon strictly believed that the law he made resembled the divine law which made him forget that there could never be a law above the divine law. After he created law on punishment the gods were not impressed which made the seer remind him that the gods were with Antigone. Pride in Creon did not let him accept that his new punishment law would never be greater than that of gods. Creon’s fearlessness for gods brought him suffering after he finally lost all members of his family through death.
Antigone was aware that Polynieces would never enter underworld if his body was not to be buried. She was more concerned about that law of gods and she insisted on burying Polynieces. Creon later changed his mind after the blind seer convinced him that gods were with Antigone. He decided to burry Polynices like Antigone wanted but it becomes too late for him to save Antigone who had already committed suicide. Haemon later attacks Creon at the tomb before he kills himself. Gods had already chosen Antigone but Creon’s pride made gods punish him by killing his family members. This play clearly shows pride in power and how gods punishes without forgiving.
Creon says, “I am not here to understand. I am here to s...
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