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Analytic Response Fictional Story Analysis No Poetry

Essay Instructions:

Write an analytic response (minimum: 500 words) to a fictional story (no poetry) from our Lesson 3 readings. See Sub-Lessons 3-1 to 3-8 for the readings that will qualify for this assignment.

An analytic response focuses on the deeper meaning as opposed to a summary. An analysis includes identifying the setting, purpose, symbolism, and theme(s) of a piece of writing to grasp the underlying meaning. (These literary terms are explained below.)

Read the story several times. Take notes on its themes, characters, setting, plot, and so on. Be sure the notes include looking beyond the surface to the deeper meaning the author is trying to relay. Include how the author’s message and the themes then impact setting, characters, plot, and so on. An analysis also looks at why the meaning is important.

Do NOT summarize or re-tell the story. Remember that your audience has already read it! The majority of the essay must move beyond summary to analysis.

Explanation of Literary Terms

Setting – The setting is where and when the story takes place.

Purpose – What was the author hoping to accomplish or communicate in writing this story?

Symbolism - A symbol is a character, place, thing or event that stands for something else, often an abstract idea.

Theme - A theme is a general message or insight into life revealed through a literary work. It is basically what the writer suggests about people or life.

Below is a list of the readings from the textbook that can be used for this assignment:

From Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (page 1053-1055)

“Prometheus and the First People” by Olivia E. Collidge (page 1066-1073)

“The Orphan Boy and the Elk Dog” (page 1075-1086)

From Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali by D.T. Niane (page 1093-1104)

“Rama’s Initiation” from The Ramayana by R.K. Narayan (page 1107-1116)

“Cupid and Psyche” by Lucius Apuleius (Retold by Sally Benson) (page 1130-1137)

“Ashputtle” by Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm (page 1138-1144)

“Arthur Becomes King of Britain” from The Once and Future King by T.H. White (page 1156-1170)

From Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes (page 1206-1216)

“Damon and Pythias” by William F. Russel (page 1230-1232)

“Two Friends” by Guy de Maupassant (page 1233-1240)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Two Friends by Guy de Maupassant
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No matter what theme or genre a story has, some distinctive characters make all stories, books and novels popular in no time. One such appealing story is Guy de Maupassant’s Two Friends in which Monsieur Sauvage and Monsieur Morissot, the heroes of the story, are shot to death by an opponent and their dead bodies are thrown into a nearby river.
The story takes place in the 1870s, at the height of Siege of Paris, and introduces Monsieur as a watchmaker who is tired, depressed, hungry and bored. As he walks along the main boulevard, Morissot comes across a childhood friend, Monsieur Sauvage, a tailor from the Rue Notre-Dame-de-Lorette.
In Two Friends, Guy de Maupassant sheds light on the fact that wars can cause ever-lasting problems for humans, and that the States should try to resolve their conflicts peacefully and with proper conversation. In this short story, Guy mentions that both internal and external battles are harmful to humanity and measures should be taken to prevent them.
The two French friends are portrayed as courageous and brave, who oppose the battles. Maupassant has used the characters of Monsieur Sauvage and Monsieur Morissot as the mouthpiece for his views regarding the consequences of wars. Sauvage is tired of the current situation of his country and wants some changes as soon as possible. He tells his friends that wars are the result of contrasting comments and thoughts. Through his character, the author of Two Friend...
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