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Problem Proposal & Annotated Bibliography: Sexual Harassment in Canada

Essay Instructions:

This individual assignment has two parts:

1. In one paragraph, propose a problem your group could address (4 to 8 sentences). Please choose a different problem than the one in the sample “Job-Seeker Quandary” case.

2. Do preliminary research to see what kind of information is available about your proposed problem, and present this research in the form of an Annotated Bibliography (1 page).


Your Proposal and Annotated Bibliography assignment should be in APA Style. This means a correctly formatted title page; correct general formatting such as headers, spacing, indentation and page numbers; in-text citations in your Proposal as needed; and a correctly-formatted References Page (Bibliography) including annotations. A sample Annotated Bibliography is provided with this document (Appendix 1) to help you with formatting. Please choose a different problem than the one used in this sample. Reproduce the formatting shown in Appendix 1 exactly, including spacing, line breaks and indentations.

Part 1: Proposal Choose a communication problem that occurs in a workplace. This may be something of interest to you because it happened to you at work. If that’s the case, please change details of names, company names and dates so that your problem is fictionalized rather than real. In one paragraph (4 to 8 sentences), describe your problem and persuade your audience – your group members – that your problem would be an effective one for your group to use for your upcoming Group Case Study assignment.

Part 2: Annotated Bibliography Find 3 credible sources such as academic journals, online magazines or industry blogs that discuss your problem and possible resolutions. Create an APA Style reference page including an entry for each of your sources. After each reference entry, write a short summary of the source (an annotation) so your group members understand the author’s main points. Aim for about 2 to 4 sentences per source.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Problem Proposal and Annotated Bibliography
Institutional Affiliation
Student’s Name
Course Code
Instructor’s name
Due Date

Part One: Problem Proposal
One communication problem that occurs in the workplace takes the form of sexual harassment and in Canada, this is almost becoming the norm. Reports of men and women who are victims of workplace sexual harassment, keep circulating in the news outlets. One thing which few take seriously is the fact that it matters not who makes the offense. It could be an associate, manager, or a non-employee like a contractor, vendor, or client. If the individual’s conduct interferes with an employee’s performance or creates a hostile work environment, it should be deemed unlawful sexual harassment and thus problematic. Sexual harassment is not limited to making inappropriate advances; essentially, sexual harassment should include any unwanted physical or verbal behavior that creates an uncomfortable work environment. Sexual harassment is a communication problem that bears negative effects on all employees, including low morale, decreased performance, and increased turnover.
Annotated Bibliography
Lublin, D. (2017). What counts as workplace sexual harassment in Canada? The Globe and Mail. Retrieved June 26, 2018 from ...
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