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1.3 Assignment The Justification For Embezzlement

Essay Instructions:

Read 'Reading 1.3' on pages 9 and 17, and answer all questions in a report format. Provide an introduction and a conclusion, and section heads in the body of the paper.

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1.3 assignment
Institutional Affiliation
The temptation to take shortcuts in our day to day activities exceeds daily, mainly due to the notion that taking shortcuts such as using the subway during the New York City Marathon does not equate to breaking the law. However, for individuals that seek to do the right thing, such actions are unfair, not right and unethical. Ethical standards refer to the perfectly acceptable rules of conduct that direct society. Different philosophers have come up with different theories of defining ethics that inform the debates of various ethical dilemmas in business and one’s personal life.
The justification for embezzlement.
According to the different theories, embezzling from the Department of Motor Vehicles, to cater for a loved one’s medical bill is unjustified. According to the Divine Command Theory, stealing from other people is wrong as it contradicts the commandment, “thou shall not steal.” Additionally, according to the theory of Self-interest and Moral Sentiments by Adam Smith, stealing may help fulfill one’s immediate needs; however, it is not in one’s best interest. The benefits are short-lived such as helping to save a loved one. Nevertheless, the consequences of losing the job and facing criminal charges for embezzlement follow influencing one’s life negatively in the long run.
School of thought for getting yourself fired and collecting unemployment
The Ethical Egoism theory supports this school of thought. Ayn Rand and Atlas argue that all individuals’ put their self-interests first in conducting any actions. Thus, people should limit their judgment to personal ethical egos as opposed to towards other people exercising their ethical egoism. Therefore, the three employees can ...
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