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Amy Winehouse's Song

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Amy Winehouse's Song
Before knowing her life story, Winehouse sounded authentic and original. Her tangy voice echoed in my ears. Her passion and vibrant depict talent and authenticity. However, after reading her life story, there was conflicting emotion about her authenticity. She suffered from addiction, loss, and tragic love, which she talked about in her song. Thus, the lyrics are poetic and authentic, reflecting her life. Therefore even after learning about her life, I believe she authentically meant every word she said. It can be argued she sang the songs drunk as her voice depicted was profound and contralto vocals, but in my opinion, that was her original voice.
Winehouse's song also explores a range of emotions from her life experiences. For instance, the lyrics and style of her song you know I am not good, tell us that she's not good, yet she likes her man even though she's trouble (Spotify n.d). In addition, in an uncompromising and unapologetic voice, she teased that 'they tried to take her to rehab and said no no no... .’. This indicates that she was authentic, and her art differed from her outside world. The lyrics related to Amy and her creativity made her original.
James Rhodes's article, find what you love and let it kill you, in response to Amy Winehouse, would be 'forgive yourself. Be the best artist there has ever been.' Instead, James Rhodes is devastated by the mourned and misplaced creativity. He believes that finding your purpose, living it, loving it, and accomplishing what you desire is better than dying a commoner. Additionally, he argues that suicide from doing what you love is better than being a hero in an unknown kingdom. Thus, he would encourage Amy that it is ok to be lonely, disappointed, lonely, demoralizing, and make bad choices. James would also enable her to dust off and make the world's best music (Rhodes, 2013).
Amy Winehouse, a Grammy-winning artist, died at 27 due to alcohol poisoning. She had extraordinary vocals and had just begun her care...
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