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Army Leaders should Cultivate a Culture of Trust among Soldiers

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Army Leaders should Cultivate a Culture of Trust among Soldiers
The Army of any given country plays an important role insofar as security is concerned. One of the core responsibilities of the Army is to defend the constitution and the country against all conceivable enemies. The other responsibility is providing logistics and support to other departments to capacitate them to realize their objectives (Military.com, 2022). As such, Army officers must exercise absolute accountability to accomplish those roles. In the Army, accountability entails carrying out one's responsibilities in good time and being responsible for them. Army leaders should promote it for it builds trust, improves performance, and enhances compliance, among other things.
One of the most outstanding reasons why accountability is consequential for an Army leader is that it builds trust amongst Soldiers. Army leaders should cultivate a culture of trust among Soldiers because trust is a unifying factor. This is because it builds relationships and the willingness of Soldiers to depend on each other. In addition, it scales up organizational cohesion and effectiveness (Sniffen, 2014). Since Army officers, more often than not, work as a group, they must trust each other. This is because working alongside a trustworthy person makes one feel safe, which in turn boosts the levels of confidence. Trust is also important in ambiguous situations because it provides Soldiers with the opportunity to focus on their work. This is in cognizance of the fact they are in the midst of people they can count on. Just as important, it enhances officers' energy and level of engagement. Trustworthy officers willfully build the force through dedication and being present when required. It is worth noting that trust is not given but earned. As such, it behooves every Army officer to conduct themselves in ways that earn them trust, thus entrenching them to their platoons and the nation at large. One fundamental way of cultivating and maintaining trust is through leading by example. In this respect, it is incumbent upon every Army leader to exhibit trustworthiness. Since Soldiers are inclined to emulate their superiors, they will undoubtedly borrow the cue and follow suit.
Another important reason accountability is crucial in the Army is that it improves performance among the officers. When officers take ownership of all achievements and mistakes, they achieve optimum results. This is achievable through such commitments as reporting to work in good time and working with minimal supervision. The presence of responsibility among Army officers eliminates confusion, which, by extension, saves time (NEOGOV, 2020). Essentially, this enhances performance since officers meet their stipulated expectations in good time.
Regarding performance, accountability promotes teamwork among Army officers. Teamwork is important because when officers pool together their ideas, they significantly ease the solving of problems. It also enhances happiness among officers, which is critical because it scales up how they perform their duties. Teamwork also makes it easy for officers to help...
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