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Respond Discussion to Lidong Wang

Essay Instructions:

Students should also respond (150-200 words) to at least two (more is encouraged) of their peers' posts (primary and/or secondary). The goal with response posts is to promote a team environment, and engage in thoughtful discussion about your opportunities in the field, as opposed to simply "checking in." These responses are a little more open in terms of content: Students may provide different perspectives/opinions on how they may have approached the problem or project; or students may elaborate on other courses/coursework that may be applicable.

The division where I am doing my internship is the Treasury and Payment Division of the NYC Department of Finance in Brooklyn Business Center. In the previous month, I was working on a project that is used contemporarily, which is the Standard Operating Procedures(SOP) of the Parking and Camera Violation Payment Agreement. The SOP is a streamlined process to ensure that all Customer Service Representatives through five boroughs utilize the same procedures when they assist customers with the retrieval of vehicles that have been booted and/or towed. To assist customers with the retrieval process, the DOF provides customers with the opportunity to enter into a Payment Agreement through the utilization of STARS, NYCSERV, DMV, and RIBS systems. In addition, the SOP assists with meeting the Agency’s goal of fairness and exceptional customer service. After getting familiar with this SOP, I had opportunities to observe a representative dealing with the daily cases and tried to help and assist her with some paperwork. I was getting involved in the whole processing of the payment of agreement. The complicated system was the first tricky issue I met. Then I noticed that the service and strategies of communication were as important as the technical skills since the objects they were serving were human beings, who have different emotional and physical conditions, rather than machines that passively receive commands from people.

The Customer Service Representatives’ responsibility is to research information through the system I mention above to ensure that the customer has met the eligibility requirement to enter into an agreement that can not only assist customers with the retrieval of their vehicles but generates parking revenue for the NYC. So the most important aim is to satisfy different requirements of customers and show them a considerate attitude. It is similar to some main ideas with the knowledge I learned in Global Innovation class where I got opinions about customer service. Especially when we discuss ‘the 12 different ways for companies to innovate’ from the MIT Sloan Management Review, I was focused on the ‘Customer Experience’ and ‘Customer ’most. The departments of government also indeed need innovation, since they are sometimes in old ways in some people's views. The organization is rethinking the interface between customers and NYC to make some innovations and this SOP is a very crucial step. So I take much consideration into customer service when I participate in this project to enhance the bonding between servicer and customer.


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Respond Discussion to Lidong Wang
Hello Lidong_Wang,
I agree with you that when working with humans, unlike machines, it is critical to ensure one provides good customer service. As an intern in a department where one has to interact with customers directly, it is critical to ensure good communication skills. I believe that if an individual is getting involved in the processing of the payment agreement, it is important to practice professionalism to extract more value from customers. Additionally, one has to have a lot of patience and a people-first attitude. Despite customer service varying from one customer to the other, when one is practicing professionalism and patience, the chances of rendering good customer service are higher.
Furthermore, I also t...
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