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What America Means to Me and Why is it Important to Stay Drug and Alcohol Free?

Essay Instructions:

For the Amy Jones Scholarship:
Submit a brief essay discussing the following topics. Please limit your response to 1,000 words (Not per question but a total of 1,000 words).
What America means to me
Why is it important to stay drug and alcohol free?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
America and Avoiding Drugs
Institutional affiliation America and Avoiding Drugs Importance of staying drug and alcohol-free Drugs and alcohol are becoming part of society, and it’s hard to avoid them in a world where they are positively advertised by the media. Society today has neglected the menace of drugs and alcohol abuse to the extent that it is being viewed as normal. Most teenagers and mostly students abuse drugs on a regular basis. The primary reasons for this abuse may vary from peer pressure whereby those using drugs are referred to as ‘cool,' to the many advertisements that frequently run on the television portraying the use of narcotics as ‘cool.' Other reasons include ignorance whereby the person is acutely aware of the dangers of using drugs but still uses them regardless. Here are some of the reasons for people to avoid drug and alcohol abuse. 1.    Health According to a recently concluded research every available drug out there has some harmful effect on the user. The study describes all drugs as basically poison. The effects, however, vary with the kind of drug. For example, heroin and painkillers suppress the actions of the lungs and can, therefore, lead to tuberculosis or pneumonia. Marijuana popularly known as pot or weed causes changes to the brain similar to those that occur in patients with schizophrenia not forgetting the damage on the lungs. Methamphetamine is a very hard drug which has serious effects on the nervous system and the brain. The use of many drugs and alcohol lowers the immune system of an individual, and one is vulnerable to diseases. 2.    Risk of death Many drugs can cause death for the first time they are used and if not can have long-term damaging effects on the user. Cocaine, for example, is adamant on the veins and arteries and can cause an immediate cardiac arrest or a heart attack. Alcohol can cause death if overdosed and it additionally increases the risks of having an accident. Synthetics for instance ecstasy can force the body to overheat hence causing organ breakdown. Avoiding drug abuse can lead to a longer and healthier life. 3.         The money factor According to a recently concluded research, a majority of drug addicts do not have money as they spend all of it looking for a fix. They have been known to do anything just to get money for the fix including stealing from relatives and friends. The truth about drugs is that one somebody becomes hooked they can spend their entire savings on them. The habit is expensive and the money spent on them could have been used for a useful purpose. If one can avoid drugs, they can save the money and use it for better causes rather than wasting it. 4.    Avoiding arrest and incarceration When under the influence people do not think properly as the mind cannot function well. This causes them to behave in ways they could not have otherwise behaved. In some...
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