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Describe a Character Defining Moment for You

Essay Instructions:

hi there
Im placing this order so that i can receive scholarship from pride foundation. there are set of questions with an instruction from pride foundation WEBSITE.
So ill copy and paste those questions and also ill leave a little bio about me, so you ill be able to answer these questions and have an understanding of what im trying to convince the pride foundation.
The first two questions are set for 500 words and the third one is 250 words.
im from a third world country called Eritrea, helping people has always been my passion, since the age of 15 i always been volunteering at a nursing home for elders and hospitals. and watching the nurses do most of the care for patient after the doctor operate on the patient for a short time had inspired me and decided to be a nurse and help as much people as i can.
i want to be a nurse so that ill have the proper knowledge and credibility to advocate sick individuals who need physical and moral care specially in the LGBTQ community in Eritrea and all over the world.
and this will expand my leadership because i have a tide to the LGBTQ community in eritrea and they need my help. they need education on safe sex and rape prevention, abuse, stigma, being outed and how to handle the pressure of community and self acceptance. i my self has faces many challenge for being gay in Africa.
many people have traditional believe that its a curse and anyone that come close to me would also be cursed. and me and my family had went thru many stigma and isolation. if you were cought doing anything gay in my country you will be stoned to death or imprisoned for 30+years. and i soon as my parents knew i was gay my mother outted me and she wanted me out of her house because ill bring the curse to the rest of my brothers and sisters. i was very confused and depressed.
it was not my fault but i was born this way. i had no resource or anyone to turn to. as rumors started to spread i had to leave the country to come here to america. but at first while my visa was processing i was told to stay in Uganda, a neighboring country.
my stayed there opened my eyes. people had an NGO and non profit organization to get support. the LGBTQ community helps its members go to school and be a better person. i volunteered there and had many education regarding the gay style life and how we have to support each other. from this experience i have learned that all gays should help each other and accept our selves. i also learned i can be what ever i want to be, being gay does not limit me. and mostly i have to give back to the community because there is someone out there who is in the same place i use to be.
i have worked with immigrant gays who have language barrier to get jobs , give them rides and try to get them settled and help them as much as i can. also i attend at LGBTQ community at my previous school and volunteer at the front desk and lately i have been involved in a forum called zega matters in social, zega means being happy in other word its a code for being gay in my country. here i connect and advocate many new and current members in their daily struggle and joy in this life style. we created this page so we can all stick together and help each other. i had met and helped many people and being touched by their stories. i cant believe in 2016 there is this kind of arrogance in Africa. i have reached out many Eritrean and Ethiopian gays who leave in abroad and fund raised some money to send to those who been outed or to those who want to go to school or just need the money so they can help others in anyways. after im done with my two year nursing program my plan is to fight for social justice in Eritrea, specially being imprisoned for 30 years and also create non profit organization and a safe environment for the LGBTQ community in Eritrea. i have been paving my connection here and in uganda to work on that as soon as im done my nursing program while i work as an nurse and help people and filling my dream. but seasonally i would like to go to Eritrea and advocate people on the meaning of LGBTQ and the consequence of stigma and isolation. recruit nursed and advocate on safe sex and other diseases and mostly share my story and inspire others to learn from me.

currently i got some financial aid grant paying half of my tuition only, but i need financial help to pay the rest of my tuition and my housing, transportation,medical,food, books , school loan and other necessity. the nursing program is difficult and im not able to work full time as i use to, while i have my dad who has accepted me and who has part time job due to his illness i have to take care of. my younger sister is in school as well so she cant support me as well. i have applied for the been working and tried to save some money and use it very wisely, also looking help from work source as well.
Our scholarships are for LGBTQ or ally students who have been strongly supportive of LGBTQ communities and have demonstrated a commitment to human rights and social justice. This should be evident in your responses for each essay question.
Tell us about yourself, what we should know about you that we cannot read in your transcript, your letters of recommendation, or on your resume.
Use the following questions as prompts to craft your personal statement. You have up to 500 words to wow us!
A,What draws you to pursuing additional education?
B,What are your career plans and how does this area of study contribute to your plans?
C,How will this pursuit expand your leadership skills?
D, Describe a character defining moment for you. Has there been one significant challenge or barrier you have faced in your life, particularly as an LGBTQ individual or ally?
E,What did you learn from this experience, what kind of cultural awareness did you develop, and how did that influence your personal values and goals?


Use the following questions as prompts to tell us about your involvement and leadership in the LGBTQ community. You have up to 500 words to wow us!

A,How has your leadership and/or commitment within the LGBTQ community evolved?

B,Describe one recent instance you have shown your commitment and/or leadership on an issue affecting LGBTQ people.

C,How will your studies or career plans help you to have a positive impact on the LGBTQ community?

D,How will you actively serve as a leader within your community?


Use the following questions as prompts to tell us about your financial situation, unmet need, and related factors. In a later section we will ask for specific financial details, such as cost, income etc., so do not put those numbers here. We are interested in your financial story. You have up to 250 words.

A,What is your unmet financial need? Please talk about your educational costs -- what is and what is NOT being covered by financial aid, other scholarships or grant awards?

B,Will you receive any financial support from family, friends, and/or other resources?

C,What are your other financial responsibilities, such as family expenses, housing, transportation, medical costs, previous school loans, etc. (besides your education)?

D,Describe your current financing strategy for your education. What practical steps have you already taken to secure initial funding for tuition and any other costs of your education?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
NameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Question 1
At the age of fifteen years I had a passion for helping people. As a way of fulfilling my desires, I volunteered to work at a nursing home where I assisted the nurses in caring the aged and the sick. As I was working, I got inspired by the nurses who were helping the patients, and my passion of becoming a nurse began to grow. I had a feeling that I should also provide assistance to the patients the way the nurses did.
I want to become a nurse so that I can gain proper knowledge and skills to advocate for the rights of various sick individuals who need to have access to both physical and moral care in my country, Eritrea, and the whole world. It will contribute to the development of my leadership role in LGBTQ community of Eritrea since they need people who will help in educating the residents. Being a trained nurse, I will enlighten them on the different ways that they can use to handle the stigma and pressure that they face from the society. It will make the members eventually to gain self-acceptance and begin to concentrate on various ways that they can use to improve their lives.
Being a gay, I have faced a lot of challenges in my life. In my community, people have the traditional believe that being a gay is a curse. Nobody was allowed to come closer to me since they thought that if they came close, they will also be cursed. I faced a lot of stigma and isolation in my community. If you were found doing anything that was associated with gays, in my community you would be stoned to death or imprisoned for more than thirty years. Also, my family rejected me after realizing that I was gay, my mother wanted me to get out of the house since I would bring the whole curse to the rest of my younger brothers and sisters. I started feeling a lot of depression and confusion. There was nobody who I would turn to for support. The rumors about my gay status were spreading so fast, and I was forced to flee the country and go to the United States of America to avoid the consequences.
Before going to the United States, I stayed in the neighboring country of Uganda as my visa was being processed. In Uganda, the gay people had a non –profit making NGO institution known as LGBTQ. The NGO helped its members to advance their academic needs. I joined the organization and learned a lot regarding gay lifestyle and the various ways that they can support each other. I learned how to accept myself as a gay and lead a normal life without difficulties. I also learned that being a gay should not limit me to achieve all that I need. I had a feeling that many people were in the same situation that I was and they need to be helped by educating them.
Question 2
While working at LGBTQ, I interacted with some immigrant gays who were going through a lot of challenges. They had a language barrier, I helped them to get jobs. I also attended LGBTQ community work in my previous school where we educated the students about the issue of gays. Of late, I have been involved in zeg...
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