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Effect of Soft Drink Consumption on Nutrition and Health

Essay Instructions:

1. find just one peer reviewed journal article showing the application of some nutrient to a human health concern or health effect.
2. Write a summary of the article which must including the following 1, what question been answered 2, what population is being prioritized 3, briefly summarize the background for the question.
3. The design for the study include the following 1, how did the researchers go about testing their hypothesis 2, what are the controls used to ensure valid result.
4. The findings of the study include the following, 1, what are the researchers found 2, are the particular application for the research 3, are follow up questions suggested.
5. The paper is a summary are terms specifics to the subject should be well understood by using simple English. The paper should be summarized nor restate point in the article.
6. I need the article I have to submit it with the paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Effect of Soft Drink Consumption on Nutrition and HealthNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Summary of the Journal Article.
The consumption of soft drinks has been a controversial issue. Some people view soft drinks as a major contributor to obesity and other related health problems. In the article, research was carried out to examine the relationship that exists between the consumption of soft drinks and the nutritional and health outcomes. The study was mainly focusing on the effects of the drugs on the lives of the youth.
Soft drinks have been banned from schools that are found in Britain and France. In the United States, school systems that are found in Los Angeles, Philadelphia and Miami have limited the consumption of soft drinks. In 2005, California passed the same legislation that restricts the consumption of soft drinks.
The research was carried to answer the key question whether the actions that are taken to decrease the soft drink consumption among the people is warranted, given the available findings and whether decreasing the consumption of soft drinks would benefit the public health.
In the analysis, it was discovered that there was a clear association between the intake of soft drinks and the increased rate of energy consumption and also body weight. The intake of soft drinks was associated with the lower intake of milk, calcium, and the other nutrients. This resulted to an increase in the risk of medical problems that are experienced by some people.
The research was carried out by investigating the effects of the beverages on the health of humans. The beverages that were considered in this case were the sugar-sweetened beverages and the artificially sweetened beverages.
The research was conducted on the internet through MEDLINE and PsycINFO.The keywords considered in the study were "soft drink," "sweetened beverage" and "soda." Articles that were considered in this case were the ones that showed a good assessment of the relationship that exists between soft drinks and the outcomes. The outcomes were further grouped in to two. There were the primary outcomes (energy intake, body weight, milk intake and calcium intake) and the secondary outcomes (nutrition and health).
Additional sources were used by finding more about the other articles that were included in the reference list. Authors of the articles were contacted for requests of their work and they were requested to give us more researchers who might be having the same information. It resulted in a total of 88 articles that were used in the research.
An analysis of the primary outcomes revealed showed heterogeneity of the effect sizes and it was therefore separated according to the research design. This helped to reduce the likelihood of making an aggregate of the effect size estimates across the different studies.
Three designs were used in the research. The cross-sectional design, longitudinal design and experimental design. Some of the designs used in the study are considered to be stronger than the other .Cross-sectional des...
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