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Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales: Asian American Study

Essay Instructions:

Please write a reading reflection (200-300 words)using at least one of the following sources below.

For this week, please be sure to cite at least one of this week's readings:

W. P. She Shall Not Be Moved

Wei Ming Dariotis and Grace J. Yoo. “Care Work: The Invisible Labor of Asian American Women.

Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales. “Mothering Is Liberation: Giving Birth to Alagaan Pedagogy (Pedagogy of Care)”

Each weekly entry should include:

Add your name, section, and week of the entry!

Connect your lived experience to the theme of the week and provide your reaction to and analysis of at least one reading from that week. Professor may on occasion have a question you are to incorporate as well.

Entries should be about a paragraph long (or 200-400 words).

Link at least one audio or visual addition. Provide at least one question you have about the reading(s) or topic.

Check for grammar and typos.

Include a reference section. Make sure you cite sources (APA format) in your entry, including the addition of images and audio.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Asian American Study
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Professor’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Asian American Study
In her story, Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales illustrates the challenges women of color face in academia, especially women who are just starting a family. Although having a child has been viewed as a hindrance to one’s career as a woman, Tintiangco-Cubales shows that it actually nourishes a woman’s career. Tintiangco-Cubales’ story is only specific to women in academia. However, it can be used to encourage women in other career fields as well.
Tintiangco-Cubales’ story relates to the theme of the week. It shows how women in academia can tackle their careers as well as their family lives. Tintiangco-Cubales uses perfect examples to showcase how this is possible. For instance, she states that when she would go to conferences, she would bring her daughter along to spend some time with her (Hune et al., 2019).
(Google, n.d.)
This is a key lesson to women-mothers in academia. Having a child should not hinder one from practicing their career. If anything, women should learn to bring together their various obligations to academia, family, and the community. Fu...
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