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Propaganda in the Society

Essay Instructions:

Consider the effect propaganda has on our daily lives and consciousness. How does this affect our individual and societal frames?

Watch the two embedded videos "On Bullshit"

Hi Thank you,

Below please find the three articles that needs to be read to incorporate in the Essay. Read the excerpt from Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf

Read George Orwell, "Politics of the English Language"

Watch the embedded video from Molly Crockett on Social Media

Writing Assignment 9: Consider the effect propaganda has on our daily lives and consciousness. How does this affect our individual and societal frames?

Hi I would like to add some videos that are useful to help with the essay. https://youtu(dot)be/W1RO93OS0Sk09:09



All the videos here on youtube


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In the present society, propaganda still has a tremendous effect on people’s lives, mainly because propaganda is widely distributed through satellite television and the internet compared to how propaganda propagated during the historical times where they only had radios or the newspaper. Due to the advancing technology, there is an instant transmission of information, thereby increasing audiences’ number abruptly (Princeton University Press, n.d.). Propaganda has been proven to have a massive effect not only at an individual level but also in the societal frame.
Propaganda is a systematic way of supporting a doctrine or belief that allows people to persuade a larger group of individuals. Generally, propagandas are linked with malicious behavior, culpable, and treated as a result of many attempts of countless totalitarian regimes—most of which have displayed an abusive rule. Furthermore, propaganda is a cognizant discourse and acts with a central revolutionary theme representing a strategy to gain social influence. Here, the people’s primary objective is deceit or misinformation (Princeton University Press, 2007).
In a YouTube video by Big Think (2017), the speaker, Molly Crockett, stressed how politics use online social media platforms as a means of spreading its propaganda. Facebook, Twitter, and others typically use moral content to engage its audiences. A tweet with moral content gets an increase in retweet by 20%. Therefore, those algorithms that target the emotional aspect of a person’s well-being gets the most attention. This creates an information ecosystem, which highlights the most outrageous propaganda. Some of those that we see or read online might be a superficial reason behind an endorsement (Big Think, 2017). If these are only superficial, then these propagandas deceive their audiences big time and let them believe that their perspectives are more superior to others. As a result, the societal frame can be easily manipulated because the propaganda holds the heart of a person at an individual level.
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