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2 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Summary of Speaking in tones. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

film summary along with your personal opinion, except one.

Topic:Based on the documentary 【Speaking in Tongues】; available online on Kanopy

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Summary of speaking in Tones Documentary
Summary of Speaking in Tones Documentary
The documentary features the journey of four children on the journey to becoming bilingual. It focuses on the language barrier in American society. Notably, there is a diversity of people from different countries, speaking other languages, with only one language (English) in common. However, some people opt to communicate in their original languages, leading to the significant challenge of language barrier in the country. Thus, the film describes the growth of bilingualism in the American 21st-century community. Speaking in tones originates from a public institution in the American immersion school system. The significant event is witnessed in a kindergarten classroom composed of White and Asian American students. Surprisingly, the teacher tutoring this particular class speaks only Chinese, and most students cannot understand the language. However, they are not frustrated by the idea. Instead, they are interested in the language they cannot use for communication or even understand anything when people use it. Besides, the kindergarten students are very young to get upset over such issues as all they have learned is to respect their teachers by at least listening to them.
Although the learning process takes a long time, the children become bilingual at the end of the period. The primary idea in the process is remembering to focus on signal and speech repetition to comprehend the language yielded at particular times. While the learning is not easy, their endurance and practice in listening and speaking the differen...
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