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The Economic Rise of China and India. Air pollution in China and India

Essay Instructions:


In your essay, clearly explain your hypothesis regarding why pollution emissions have changed over time in China and India. Describe how carbon and particulate emissions have changed over time; compare the two countries to each other and to Canada, and discuss whether GDP or GDP per capita are related to carbon emissions. Why does Greenstone et al. (2015) say that particulate matter is so detrimental to health? Describe one government policy that each country is currently undertaking in order to improve its environmental quality.

Detailed Instructions:

Your essay must have a title, an introduction, and a conclusion. Make sure to integrate all relevant definitions into your essay, and provide appropriate background information. A suggested essay structure contains six paragraphs:

• a first paragraph that briefly introduces the hypothesis you propose;

• a second paragraph describing how total CO2 has changed over time and explaining how well it is correlated with total GDP;

• a third paragraph describing how per-capita CO2 has changed over time and explaining how well it is correlated with per-capita GDP;

• a fourth paragraph describing how energy intensity has changed over time;

• a fifth paragraph describing how PM2.5 has changed over time, and explaining why Greenstone et al. consider it to be detrimental to health;

• and a sixth, concluding, paragraph that briefly summarizes your hypothesis and arguments.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Air Pollution in China and India
Air pollution in China and India
The past decade has recorded an increase in air pollution due to the growing industrialization, mainly witnessed in China and India, thus resulting in global health problems. Carbon and particulate emission are the leading air pollution, with carbon compounds increasing global warming and particulate emissions, causing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases (Balakrishnan et al. 2019). The changes in energy intensities in both countries depend on the economic conditions; thus, the total carbon emissions is equivalent to the energy consumed per the gross domestic product of a particular country. Since the 1980s, energy intensities, particularly carbon is falling in China, Canada, and consistently in India.
The industrial sector in India and China is evolving with an increase in industrialization, directly impacting CO2 emissions. The rising consumers in the energy sector consisting of air conditioners and automobiles increase carbon pollution; however, not as high as industries. The most significant contributor to India's GDP is the service industry; thus, low demand for energy (Liu et al., 2019). The agricultural sector constitutes 18.8% of India's GDP, translating to 7.2% energy demand recorded in 2005. In China, the growing industrialization increased energy demand to 63.8%, translating to 47.5% contribution to the GDP. Other GDP indicators, like the transport sector, caused about 15% of the total carbon emissions.
Per-capita CO2 measures every person's contribution to the total emission in a particular country, therefore crucial in indicating regional contributions to global warming. China is the leading country in total emissions depicting increased developments and population (Shan et al. 2016). Currently, the average person in China is responsible for 4.6 tones indicating the gap between India, which is underdeveloped with 1.2 carbon emission per-capita. Using coal for electricity production in China is popular; thus, the greatest polluter compared to India that uses fossil fuels to generate electricity. The measurements per-captor are fair indicators that drive climate negotiation forums.
Energy intensity is the total energy consumption in a particular economic output unit. The market exchan...
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