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Analyzing Reduce & Reuse Program and Improving Waste Management In Toronto City

Essay Instructions:





Dear Writer,

Thank for you complete my order, but you have not followed the introduction which I already write in the requirement “The selected topic of the assignment is Artist-in-residence pilot programs

This is a group assignment, you only need to write my part: "an assessment of Toronto's experience in the topic area relative to other relevant national and(or) international case studies". and please include the figures from peer-reviewed articles.”

Thank you

Original Instructions


This assignment aims to develop an in-depth understanding of a contemporary waste

management issue in Toronto. The context for the research is the City of Toronto’s Long

Term Waste Management Strategy published in 2016; this has the aspirational goal of

working towards a circular economy and a Zero-Waste future, and outlines a number of

recommendations about how to achieve these goals. Full details (including links to an

Executive Summary and Full report) can be found here:



The selected topic of the assignment is Artist-in-residence pilot programs

This is a group assignment, you only need to write my part: "an assessment of Toronto's experience in the topic area relative to other relevant national and(or) international case studies". and please include the figures from peer-reviewed articles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analyzing Community Reduce & Reuse Program and How It Is Placed In Improving Waste Management In Toronto City
Student's Name:
Waste management is essential in saving human life by providing safe and clean environments. In any case, waste is associated with direct and indirect health, economic, and environmental problems ranging from toxic emissions that worsen public health to property value loss. Benefits resulting from efficient waste management range from clean air and water, environmental sustainability, resource conservation, protecting public health, safety and increased efficiency. This paper focuses on the 2016 Long Term Waste Management Strategy in Toronto and the relevance of the programs and initiatives in Artist-in-residence pilot programmes. There are gaps, challenges, and opportunities in the current waste management system.
Gaps, challenges and/or opportunities of the programme or initiative
Artist-in-residence pilot programmes can address waste generated in Toronto as a way to bring awareness on effective and efficient waste management, the City of Toronto as well as the barriers to implementing the 2016 Long Term Waste Management Strategy. One way is through exhibits on photographs of various waste management facilities in the city of Toronto, and this highlights the importance of waste disposal and management after waste generation .residents and visitors may not be fully aware of the importance of waste management services. They get to appreciate the service more. Consumer culture influences waste generation and photographs of both the indoors and outdoors of the waste management facilities shed light on how choices affect the waste generation and management.
Artist-in-residence pilot programs address waste management issues now and in the future. Still, there is a need for more financial support from the city and creating awareness to a wider audience. Upgrading and operational challenges make it more difficult to scale up the artist-in-residence pilot programs and encourage more support for such initiatives (Lithgow & Wall, 2019). Reducing the impact of waste contamination through effective waste disposal and management while focusing on reuse, recycle and reduce as part sustainability. Despite Toronto being one of the most liveable cities, there is a lack of awareness among the residents and tourists about the steps and decisions to improve waste management. There is disposal of domestic waste and industrial waste, and there is a need for changes to meet targets for waste diversion.
Progress is being made
Engaging with communities and communicating to them about the recommendations for effective and efficient waste management and how tactics have worked in the past. Waste reduction is one of the top priorities. As more people understand Toronto’s waste streams and waste management, they are more likely to understand waste reduction, diversion and disposal. The program supports educational and promotional initiatives where artists document waste generated and waste management in the programme and other pop-up exhibitions. The programme and initiative are community-specific to help improve the lives of residents and support revitalization initiatives to enhance liveability.
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