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The Impacts of Globalization on Cultural Identities

Essay Instructions:


What is an annotated bibliography?

An annotated bibliography gives an account of the research that has been done on a given topic. Like any bibliography, an annotated bibliography is an alphabetical list of research sources. In addition to bibliographic data, an annotated bibliography provides a concise summary of each source and some assessment of its value or relevance.

Example of a SHORT annotation (this is just a random short sample):

Paul, R. J. & Weinbach, A. P. (2011). Determinants of attendance in the Quebec major junior hockey league: role of winning, scoring and fighting. Atlantic Economic Journal, 39(3), 303 -311. doi: 10.1007/s11293-011-9275-1

Economics professors Paul and Weinbach study the role of various factors on attendance at all Quebec Major Junior Hockey League games for one specific year. They consider, for example, whether the average number of total goals scored in a team’s previous games influences the number of people who attend that team’s next home game. They are particularly interested in whether the number of fights a team has had in previous games increases attendance, a result they claim has been found for NHL games. Paul and Weinbach combine all of their hypothesized influences on attendance in a regression analysis and determine that the most significant influences are the percentage of previous games the home team has won, day of the week of the game (higher attendance on weekends), and month in which game played (higher attendance later in the season). No support is found for the hypothesis that fighting influences attendance. Despite their results, the authors write a great deal about their sense of the importance of fighting to hockey fans. More interesting for further study is their brief mention in conclusion that hockey may have important cultural significance for rural Quebecers and that attendance may be closely related to these cultural meanings.

The purpose of this assignment is to help you begin your research for the final paper. It consists of three parts:

Part I

Write a paragraph or two (400 – 500 words) to introduce the topic (related to ‘globalization’) of your final paper. It should include the following elements: 1) a description of what the central issue is – i.e. what is the main problem or question that you are dealing with; 2) a preliminary argument - i.e. your answer to the problem/question; 3) some background information and context must be provided in order to make the focus of the paper clear.

Part II

Using the topic introduced above, create a bibliography that contains at least ten scholarly sources. You can use any citation style (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) but you must be consistent (same style should be applied to part III). You can cite no more than one chapter from Globalization textbook (by George Ritzer and Paul Deen).

Part III

From the ten scholarly sources used above, select five and compile an annotated bibliography. Each annotation should be one paragraph or two (200-400 words each) and should include the following elements: 1) a complete bibliographic citation; 2) qualifications of the author/s – i.e. is the author an expert on this topic? 3) a summary of the argument and/or findings; 4) how this work supports your own research (your topic, your central issue, and your argument).

The order of what your paper should look like:

Student Name York Number Paper Title

Part 1

[400 – 500 words]

Part 2

[Bibliography of at least 10 scholarly sources using a referencing style of your choice]

Part 3

[ Five annotations from any of the 10 scholarly sources listed above. 200 – 400 words EACH]

Important Dates:

The submission deadline is 11:59pm (Toronto time) on Friday the 20th of November 2020, No late submissions please.

Mode of submission:

Your paper should be in word format (doc. or docx.) with clear and legible fonts such as Arial or Times New Roman and in font size of 12.

Send your assignment via email; the email subject line should read “HREQ1710_First paper.” Your attachment should be saved as “First name Last name_First paper.” Submission email:

Grading and Evaluation:

This paper is worth 30% of the entire course (Part I of the paper carries 9%, Part II 5% and part III 16%. Total of 30%)

Academic Integrity:

Remember: Annotations are original descriptions that you create after reading the

sources. When researching, you may find journal articles that provide a short summary at the beginning of the text. This article abstract is similar to a summary annotation. You may consult

the abstract when creating your evaluative annotation, but never simply copy it as that would be considered plagiarism. A clear sense of academic honesty and responsibility is fundamental to good scholarship. As such, it is the obligation of every student to familiarize himself or herself with the York University Senate Policy on Academic Honesty (see “Academic Honesty” at http://www(dot)yorku(dot)ca/secretariat/policies).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Impacts of Globalization on Cultural Identities
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
The Impacts of Globalization on Cultural Identities
It has been identified that the increased prevalence of globalization has resulted in the alteration or loss of several cultural identities. Globalization is a concept whereby nations are characterized by open borders meaning there is increased political, economic, spiritual, and cultural, among others, the interaction between nations. In the modern world, increased globalization has led to multinationals moving their home countries and expanding their foreign markets activities. More so, it has become possible for people to either temporarily or permanently leaving their home nations and settling in other countries. In this sense, globalization has become an overwhelming world trend that has unified the globe and made it a small village. Firms can manufacture their products in a particular location and sell them to consumers all over the world. Money, technology, raw materials, and finished products can swiftly and efficiently be moved across national borders. Nevertheless, globalization has also positively and negatively impacted several concepts such as culture, religion, economic activities, and other human ways of life.
Globalization has significantly influenced cultural identities and affinity groups across the world. The continued interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds has led to individuals, societies, communities, and even nations adopting new cultures, while others have completely abandoned theirs. Culture refers to the way of life of a particular population through which they humanize and socialize with fellow human beings and the world as a whole. As such, culture can be defined as 'a total pattern of human behaviors,' and it is inhibited through their day-to-day activities. As noted, globalization entails the flow of people, ideas, and products from one part of the world to another. The various multidirectional movements of people and ideas have led to new cultural identities. These movements have significantly impacted local, minority, and indigenous cultures all over the world. Most individuals and societies have adopted more western lifestyles and abandoned their cultures. The continued westernization of societies has led to debates on whether globalization will, in the long run, result in the disappearance of local cultures. With globalization and the international movement of people and ideas becoming more prevalent, some aspects of local cultures may eventually vanish. Globalization and the advancement of technology have brought a sense of 'togetherness," and people are abandoning their traditional lifestyles by emulating the trending ways of life. For example, the clothing and dressing cultures among most individuals, especially, young people are influenced by their global icons and role models such as musicians. Nowadays, the way people eat, dress, communicate, learn, and conduct their daily activities is becoming somewhat similar globally. In light of this, globalization is a phenomenon that has significantly altered cultural identities.
Crane, D., Kawashima, N., & Kawasaki, K. I. (2016). Culture and globalization theoretical models and emerging trends. In Global culture (pp. 11-36). Routledge.
Croucher, S. (2018). Globalization and belonging: The politics of identity in a changing world. Rowman & Littlefield.
Ionescu, A., & Dumitru, N. R. (2015). Globalization’S Influence On Cultural Identity And Its Impact On The Romanian Consumption Behavior. Romanian Economic and Business Review, 10(4), 137.
Kottak, C. P. (2009). Anthropology The Exploration of Human Diversity New York.
Lauderdale, P. (2008). Indigenous peoples in the face of globalization. American Behavioral Scientist, 51(12), 1836-1843.
Lewellen, T. (2006). The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism. American Anthropologist, 108(1), 240.
Moleiro, C. (2018). Culture and psychopathology: New perspectives on research, practice, and clinical training in a globalized world. Frontiers in psychiatry, 9, 366.
Salingaros, N. A. (2018). Socio-cultural identity in the age of globalization. New Design Ideas, 2(1), 5-19.
Small-Clouden, L. (2016). Globalization, assimilation, culture erasure: A review of trinidad and tobago. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 16(1).
Wang, Y. (2007). Globalization enhances cultural identity. Intercultural Communication Studies, 16(1), 83.
Lewellen, T. (2006). The Anthropology of Development and Globalization: From Classical Political Economy to Contemporary Neoliberalism. American Anthropologist, 108(1), 240.
The article is written by Marc Edelman (a professor of anthropology) and Angelique Haugerud (a professor who specializes in political and economic anthropology as well as concepts of cultural politics, globalization, and democracy issues). The book highlights the issue of globalization by integrating biological, economic, geographical, and political concepts. The authors have attempted to assess globalization by encompassing political orientation and different ideas related to history. The reading “The Anthropology of Development and Globalization" is made up of several collections of writings that provide readers with an overview of the traditional and modern-day concepts of the free market. The article has also included aspects such as Weber and Marx and Engels's ideas on politics, international ne...
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