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1 pages/≈275 words
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English (U.S.)
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$ 3.6

Advisor Summary

Essay Instructions:

IE 100S   Fall 2014

Assignment 2

Due Friday Sept. 12: upload paper to dropbox on ANGEL by 5pm.

This will count for Objective 4 (Relationships) in your Engineering Passport.

Please complete the following:

(A) Meet with an Academic Adviser to discuss your future at Penn State:

If you are a DUS student, you can schedule a time to meet with a DUS adviser. 



If you are in the College of Engineering, you can meet with a College of Engineering adviser (http://www(dot)engr(dot)psu(dot)edu/advisingcenter/)

You can also schedule a time to meet with your IE 100S Lecturer, Dr. Paul Lynch (IE academic adviser).  You can also meet with IE undergraduate coordinator Mrs. Elena Joshi or department head Dr. Paul Griffin or any faculty member in Industrial Engineering.



Deliverable: Please write a one page summary of your time with the advisor.  Did you discuss your plan to be successful in an engineering major?  What majors are you considering in engineering?  Please submit a copy of a business card or paper signed and dated by an academic adviser SCANNED and PASTED IN YOUR SUMMARY that is evidence of your meeting with an adviser.   The one page summary needs to be submitted to ANGEL as a .doc or .docx file or .pdf file.  Again, please scan or take a picture of and submit the signed business card or paper from the academic adviser with your summary.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Advisor Summary
Name of Student
Institutional Affiliation
Advisor Summary
I met with my academic advisor to discuss how to be successful in engineering major. The first thing in order to be successful is to learn effective time management. In the college, there is no supervision, and this has led to many students failing due to lack of follow-up. My plan is to be responsible for myself and manage my time and activities effectively. This includes studying for exams in a timely manner and finishing school work in good time. Another thing is to identify people that will contribute to my success through networking. This includes identifying with lecturers and alumni who want to associate with students. Networking will contribute to my success as it opens access to resources in terms of people and reading materials. I was also advised on how to develop a portfolio of projects. This will allow for experiential learning opportunities whic...
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