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Dr. T. Stockmann from A. Miller's adaptation of An Enemy of the People

Essay Instructions:

Need an original character analysis for Dr. Thomas Stockmann from Arthur Miller's adaptation of An Enemy of the People. Needs to be a four page essay. Minimum 4 typed pages, with 12-point font and 1 inch margins, is the format expected.

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Character Analysis for Dr. Thomas Stockmann from Arthur Miller's adaptation of An Enemy of the People
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Character Analysis for Dr. Thomas Stockmann from Arthur Miller's Adaptation of An Enemy of the People
Dr. Stockman was a husband, dad, and a doctor in a Norwegian town. He was an idealist who would speak his mind and ensure that truths and facts could were not compromised regardless of the price he would pay for it. Dr. Stockman believed in expressing oneself freely and safeguarding the freedom to speech. The doctor was consumed with giving out the truths and facts of a contaminated spring and the health risk it poses to the town people. He was motivated to bring out the rot in the spring and the health risks it poses. However, he was out of touch with the practical side of life. Lack of practicality and loss of communication with the ordinary people in the town got him labeled the ‘Enemy of the People.’
The doctor was unwilling to bend any rules to accommodate dishonesty or unethical behavior to any party involved. As soon as he learned that the water baths' sanitary conditions were pathetic, he made sure that the news is made public, and he demanded that the pipes be re-laid without delay. He was not trying to convince the public to back up his view, but he went ahead to press for change and improvement. The lack of touch with the people in the town and lack of leadership skills in dealing with the poor sanitary conditions put him in an awkward position with the general public. Peter Stockmann, Dr. Stockmann's brother, and the town’s mayor were tasked with building the baths that the doctor discovered were contaminated. As much a peter believes the baths would create more jobs and make the town a renowned tourist destination, the doctor was keen to point out the health hazards the contamination would pose to the tourists.
Dr. Stockmann was an epitome of optimism and a happy man who was easily duped and manipulated by his friends Hovstad and Billing for political mileage and gains. He had trust issues, especially with his friends. The optimistic side of him made him hope for the best in every situation and look at the bright side of things. He would often lose grip and touch of details and goings-on in his surroundings. He believed that life is short, and he had to fight for everything that mattered to him. He was an egoistic man whose primary motivation was revenge, and he'd go to any extent to accomplish his revenge mission. He once realized that his brother Peter, A.K.A, Burgomaster, did not build the pipes according to his original plans and could not wait to expose him and prove how wrong he was.
Dr. Stockmann was muddled in idealism and lacked consistency. Mr. Burgomaster insisted to the doctor that every citizen is free to ai...
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