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Process Essay Draft: Surviving in College and Staying Sane

Essay Instructions:

Use the instructions in Content Module B to write your B.6 Process Essay Draft (Read Tips & Suggestions). Check for 500-700 words; three process transition words to start each body paragraph; MLA format; five paragraphs (introduction with a thesis statement, three body paragraphs, conclusion paragraph). Do not use any previously submitted writings or internet information. Do not use contractions. Read your instructor's feedback on B.6 Process Essay Draft and make changes before you submit your revised B.8 Process Final Draft.

Upload this same B.6 draft to DISCUSSIONS B.7 Peer Review as your original thread. Follow the instructions for the peer review.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Surviving in College and Staying Sane
Many students find it hard to not only survive in colleges but also staying sane in the process. Finding coping mechanisms for surviving in colleges is a crucial process that needs one to develop a plan. The plans need to be flexible and reasonable to accommodate their academic and social lives.
The first step is to plan one's finances and set their financial priorities before reporting for school. Most students find it hard to survive in colleges because of financial constraints, although this is entirely manageable if a plan is implemented. Making a budget and sticking to it reduces the chance of overspending on things that are not important (Turner n.p). It is also the right way of disciplining oneself because one learns how to be responsible from a young age. The priorities set help the student develop a system where they can accommodate all of their expenses and spare a small amount for saving. The student will take the initiative of finding a job to sustain the rest of their recreational needs.
Second, completing the assignments given by the lecturers on time is part of the plan. The last-minute rush can put a lot of pressure on the student, which is not good for their mental and physical health. Creating a time schedule for the assignments will go a long way in reducing the last-minute rush. Every student's dream is to get good grades, and work done under pressure can be a hi...
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