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Is Plato fair to Aristophanes?

Essay Instructions:

Write one page, typed, double spaced, as prompted below.

In the Apology of Socrates, Plato’s Socrates complains that poets are interested

only in winning popular acclaim; but in the Clouds, Aristophanes is clear that he aimed at

a serious political purpose, though at the cost of the play’s last-place finish.

Is Plato being fair to Aristophanes? Has he succeeded where his predecessor has

not? What does (or does not) allow Plato to advance a serious political purpose in this

work, assuming you find his text persuasive?

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Is Plato fair to Aristophanes?
No. Clearly, Aristophanes' Clouds was meant to achieve a certain political purpose. However, Plato's view of it as a means of gaining acclaim is not fair. During his time, Plato was known as a master of language and style. However, his belief that he was better than others prompted him to dismiss other philosophers' works and poets as ignorant. This attitude is evident in the manner that he talks about Aristophanes' poem. It is a poem with a clear message, but Plato insists on making it insignificant, which is unfair to Aristophanes.
Has he succeeded where his predecessor has not?
Yes. Plato succeeds as a philosopher and historian. Unlike Socrates, Plato writes down several accounts, which are mainly based on Socrates' life. But it is ...
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