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Earth Science: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Introduction (250-300 words) (10 marks)

Begin by just stating very simple facts – all the details will come in later in the report.

You’ll want to provide some introductory facts that will convince the reader that your subject is

worth discussion. You should include:

o Where/what is Mars?

o Why are we investigating life on Mars and not other planets?

You’ll need to include a definition of “life”.

Give some historical context – did people ever believe there was life on Mars? Why or why not?

What is the current belief?

Statement of Aim (this may be a subsidiary heading under Introduction or simply a separate

paragraph): just a sentence or two about what the report will cover.

Can Mars Support Life? (400-600 words) (20 marks)

Describe at least two of the requirements for a planet to support (and sustain) life (e.g. water,

etc.). Please note that liquid water and temperatures that allow water to be liquid are the same thing.

Discuss (in detail) TWO pieces of evidence that Mars meets (or met at some time) some of these

requirements. Note – I am not asking for evidence of life, just evidence that there was s suitable

environment to support life. For each piece of evidence, you have chosen explain:

o What was observed? (e.g. ice crystals)

o How was it observed? (e.g. satellite images)

o What does the evidence prove? (e.g. Mars has water)

Did Mars have the right conditions to support life in the past? What about now?

Ongoing Search for Life (500-700 words) (25 marks)

In the previous section you proved (I hope) that there is a possibility that life can/could exist on

Mars (e.g. Mars has water). In this section you will discuss how we search for life on Mars. If

you are confused about the difference between these two sections, please ask for clarification on

the Forums.

Discuss (in detail) TWO of the past strategies used to find evidence of LIFE on Mars

o Where have we been looking? (e.g. parts of the planet, meteorites etc.)

o What have we been looking for? (footprints, fossils, methane, isotopes etc)

o What was observed?

o What has worked/failed and does failure mean that there is no Martian life?

What are the strategies/technologies that Perseverance will use to search for life on Mars?

What would be the significance if we are successful? Try to justify why we are sending


Conclusions (150 words) (5 marks)

This is a summary of the important parts of the report; neither new material nor personal opinions

should be included.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Earth Science
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Date of Submission:
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Earth Science PAGEREF _Toc53388542 \h 31.0 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc53388543 \h 32.0 Can Mars Support Life PAGEREF _Toc53388544 \h 32.1 Requirements for a Plant to Support and Sustain Life PAGEREF _Toc53388545 \h 32.2 Evidence That Mars Can Support Life PAGEREF _Toc53388546 \h 42.3 Mars Conditions to Support Life in the Past and Now PAGEREF _Toc53388547 \h 53.0 Ongoing Research for Life PAGEREF _Toc53388548 \h 53.1 Past Strategies Used To Find Evidence of Life on Mars PAGEREF _Toc53388549 \h 53.2 Perseverance Technology Search For Life on Mars PAGEREF _Toc53388550 \h 63.3 Will NASA’s Perseverance Be Successful? PAGEREF _Toc53388551 \h 64.0 Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc53388552 \h 7
Earth Science
1.0 Introduction
The study of the Earth and its neighbors in space provides a learner with the necessary knowledge. Earth science recognizes a problem in Earth or space and develops a good approach to resolve the problem. The development of new sources of energy and reducing climate change are possible through the study of Earth and surrounding in the space. The population avoids serious threats such as earthquakes, volcanic activities, and landslides by using earth science details. Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system and the second-smallest planet being larger than Mercury (NASA, 2019). Mars is the most explored planet in the solar system due to its ability to support life. The discovery of fossils on Mars shows that the planet can support life (NASA, 2019). The scientists concentrate on Mars in discovering the past and future life on Mars. The signs of ancient life through fossil evidence on Mars and similarities with the Earth provide potential to life. The current belief is that Mars has the potential for life. This study aims to evaluate the possibility of life on Mars.
2.0 Can Mars Support Life
2.1 Requirements for a Plant to Support and Sustain Life
A comfortable stay on a planet is possible by having the necessary components to support life. The requirements for a planet life include water and energy source. Water is the common requirement to make a planet habitable. Regular water makes it possible for the body to dissolve and transport nutrients. The body will grow by having enough water that assists in nutrient transportation and cell creation. The cell formation process requires water making it an essential component for life. Liquid water in the body makes up proteins, DNA, and other molecules. Liquid water determines the temperature levels on the planet. According to McKay (2014) life can be sustained in temperatures ranging from -15 °C to 122 °C. Liquid water and temperatures support life by making it possible for the cells to reproduce.
Energy is the other requirement for a planet to support and sustain life. Sunlight energy is vital for different kinds of living organisms. The presence of sunlight energy makes it possible for the plants to perform the photosynthesis process. Life on a planet requires a source of energy for chemical reactions. Living organisms have chemical reactions that should be done to sustain life. A planet should be consistent in the provision of energy suitable for chemical reactions. A planet should have sun and chemical energy that will be suitable for different kinds of living organisms (McKay, 2014). The life processes are run considering the energy source and reactions in the body. The planet surface should not have too much or too little sunlight. A steady input of sunlight and chemical energy helps in supporting life on the planet.
2.2 Evidence That Mars Can Support Life
Mars can support life due to the evidence of water and energy sources. Planets require liquid water that will control temperatures on the planet. Mars is known as a cold desert due to its small size making it lose heat more rapidly compared to other planets (Ramirez, 2018). Water vapor on Mars makes it ideal to support life. Mars has liquid salty water and evidence of ancient floods making the planet habitable. Thin clouds and icy dirt on Mars show that in ancient times there were floods on the planet (NASA, 2019). The water floods on Mars explain the rocks in different parts of the planet. The salty water on Mars makes it possible for different living things to live and grow on the planet. The high temperatures on Mars become difficult for the surface to retain the water. The water retained and below the rocks support life. Sun energy on Mars makes living organisms grow on the planet through the completion of the metabolic process. The availability of sun and chemical energy makes Mars a habitable planet.
2.3 Mars Conditions to Support Life in the Past and Now
Mars has the right conditions for people to live on the planet. The fossils and footprint evidence shows the past living of people on the planet. The support of life on Mars makes it ideal for people to have a good experience on the planet. The planet may experience high water and heat loss by there is evidence of the possibility of life. Salty water and sun energy are the right conditions to support life on Mars (NASA, 2019). Mars has conditions that support life in the past and now. Mars is a habitable zone with the energy and liquid water on the planet supporting growth of liv...
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