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Does it make sense to conceive of an Organization?

Essay Instructions:

Compose an essay, 3-5 pages in length, in which you address the following questions:

Does it make sense to conceive of an organization (such as a corporation) as a "person?" Of the six thinkers we have studied this session (Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Kant, Mill, Nietzsche), who would say "yes" (and why), who would say "no" (and why), and what do you say?

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A Corporate As a Person
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A Corporate As a Person
People have different views regarding the perception that corporate can be treated or likened to a person. Although philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, John Stuart Mill, Rousseau, and Hobbes did not directly compare corporates as people, their theories about form, society, ethics, and morality infer to the position they would take in the argument. This paper discusses why and why not a corporation can be conceived as a person using arguments from Aristotle, Hobbes, Plato, John Stuart Mill, Immanuel Kant, and Friedrich's arguments.
Hobbes bases his argument on the proposition that all men are not equal in terms of abilities (Olsthoorn, 2020). He says when people participate in particular activities in their communities; they portray varied levels of strength. For that reason, therefore, Hobbes advocates for the coming together of men with different strengths to form a secure community. According to Hobbes's ideologies, the combined abilities of different men in society are similar to different departments' connectedness within an organization (corporate) (Olsthoorn, 2020). In an organization, there are shareholders and stakeholders whose efforts contribute greatly to the entire organization's success. Thus, the nature of a corporate is likened to that of a community comprised of people.
On the contrary, Aristotle would not conceive of an organization as a person. Many people consider him a person who did not positively regard business organization, but others see logicality in his business ethics argument. Aristotle holds that if people choose to embrace goodness for their self-interests, then there is a need to do well to prosper the community, society, or corporation within which a person lives or works (Pies et al., 2014). Therefore, Aristotle asserts that their community determines people’s virtues. The community requires a person to conform to particular dictates of socialization to fit in society.
On the other hand, Immanuel Kant argues that courage, intelligence, honesty, selflessness, and others facilitate society's morality (Scharding, 2019). Members of the society can only conceive good things if they embrace the mentioned social values. When a society lacks morality, it becomes subject to ridicule. Corporates are made up of people, and therefore, their ethical values bring about the success of their organization. Individuals incorporate expected to follow a particular code of ethics, and the management always advocates for conformity to all ethical standards set within it. Another factor that indicates an organization works as a person is its impact on the immediate environment. The relationship an organization has with the environment is similar to that experienced by a person. For instance, human beings observe particular measures, like doing physical exercise, to live healthy lives (Scharding, 2019). Usually, people are cautioned against excessive smoking or alcohol consumption since it poses a threat to their good health. Similarly, there are aspects of the business that corporates are warned against because they negatively impact their growth. Some...
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