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Application Paper Task 1/2: The Physics of a Bicycle

Essay Instructions:

Application Paper: Task 1
For Task 1, identify an application of one or more concepts from this course. A list of possible topics has been provided (List. The physics of a bicycle (or any other machine),The physics of flying,
The physics of space exploration,The camera,The combustion engine
To successfully complete task 1, do the following:
1. Briefly describe the application. This could be the draft for your introduction paragraph. 
2. Provide a brief outline of the topics for each of the body paragraphs
Application Paper: Task 2
Using the work you completed in Task 1, write your application paper, which should be 800 words. 
Include the following:
1. An introduction.
2. A minimum of three body paragraphs each describing some aspect of the application. Make sure to include how each aspect relates to one or more concept(s) from this course. You may choose to include the history of the application as one paragraph.
3. A concluding paragraph

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Application paper: The physics of a bicycle
Course title:
Application paper: The physics of a bicycle
Task 1
The identified application is the physics of a bicycle. In every part of the globe, the bicycle is an amazingly simple mode of transportation. Any normal bicycle is stable as a result of a perfect union of physics, design and engineering. This application paper provides a detailed discussion of the physics of a bicycle. The topics for each of the body paragraphs are as follows: history of the bicycle, how the frame of the bicycle works, where the rider’s energy goes when cycling, and how gears of the bicycle work.
Task 2
Thanks to its sheer simplicity, the bicycle is certainly one of the greatest machines of all time, along with the printing press, aircraft jet engine, steam engine, and car engine. The physics of a bicycle is an intricate and broad subject. Even though the number of bicycle parts is small, the interaction between these components as well as the dynamic principles involved is complex (Jones, 2014). In this paper, the physics of the bicycle is described comprehensively.
History of the bicycle
The origin of the bicycle is not very clear and attributing the invention of the bicycle to any particular individual is in fact not possible. Even so, what is apparent is that the first antecedents of today’s bicycle were actually in use by the beginning of the 19th century. Charles Baron Drais in the year 1817 developed a front wheel that could be steered. This inventor also gave the wheel an armrest in front of it that helped him to exert force against the ground. He also gave it a paddled saddle (Conahan, 2012). He called this vehicle Draisienne and it was patented in the year 1818 in France. It was patented once more and given the name velocipede which was used until the year 1869 when the name bicycle started being used (Conahan, 2012). Tricycles and bicycles that used wire-spoked wheels were seen commonly by the early 1870s, mainly in England. In the year 1885, the Rover was introduced by Starley, which featured a centre pivot steering, almost equal-sized wheels, as well as differential gears which operated with a chain drive. This was the world’s first very realistic iteration of the bicycle (Jones, 2014).
How the frame of the bicycle works
Supposing a grownup person weighs 130 to 180 pounds or sixty to eighty kilograms, the bicycle’s frame should be fairly tough so that it does not buckle or snap as soon as the cyclist climbs on board. Racing bikes have frames that are made from carbon-fibre composites that are rustproof, lighter and stronger....
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