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Electrical Safety and Defibrillator Discussion Topic

Essay Instructions:

Task 1 (275 words)
Explore the Electrical Safety Foundation International's web pages on home safety. Then answer the following questions:
What are the dangers associated with electricity in your home? What can be done to limit or prevent the possibilities of dying or getting hurt?
Task 2 (275 words)
Defibrillators are used to revive a person when their heart has stopped beating. How do they work? What care must the person administering the treatment take? Give other examples of medical devices based on the interaction between the human body and electrical currents

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion Topic: Electrical Safety and Defibrillator
1] What are the dangers associated with electricity in your home? What can be done to limit or prevent the possibilities of dying or getting hurt?
The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) highlights that electricity is integral to modern life, and it is necessary to use it safely, as there is a risk of injuries, electrocution when there are accidents and electrical fires at home. The most likely dangers in my home associated with electricity are electrocuted, damage to electrical gadgets (ESFI, 2016). Home fires associated with electrical faults and accidents not only destroy property, but also increase the risk of loss in life. Property damages also impose a heavy burden on victims, and in most cases maintaining electrical safety would save lives and property as electrocution or home fires are preventable. At other times, severe weather increases the risk of weather hazards, especially when the electric wiring system is damaged, and there is risk of close contact with water.
Understanding the basic electrical safely guidelines and hazards, enable users to use electricity safely (ESFI, 2016). One of the first things is preventing electrical overloads and this lowers the risk of fires and accidents, and when using extension cords, one should ensure that they are properly maintained. Where possible detection alarms ought to be installed, and when there are fires it is easier to use the emergency exit routes and not being trapped by fires. Home residents should conduct regular electrical safety checkups aimed at ensuring that there are no electrical hazards that can cause electrocution or fires. This is especially for switches and outlets, but also the review of heating equipment, electrical cords, electrical appliances, electrical panels and kitchen oven. The fire escape route should be clear of all debris, in case there is a need to escape raging fires.
2] Defibrillators are used to revive a person when their heart has stopped beating. How do they work? What care must the person administering the treatment...
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