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Discussion Assignment: Scuba Diving and Water Pressure

Essay Instructions:

Task 1 (275 words)
The United States Navy Diving Manual contains a wealth of information about diving from the history of diving to underwater physics and physiology. Start by browsing the U.S. Navy Diving Manual and then post a response to the following questions: How do the pressure variations with depth affect our ability to explore the ocean? What are some of the challenges of scuba diving?
Task 2 (275 words)
Energy.gov is the official website of the United States Department of Energy. On this website, you can find a variety of helpful resources, including resources on how to conserve energy.
Read the information about thermostats then consider the following question:
On a hot summer day, you need to leave your house for 30 minutes. To use the least amount of energy, should you turn off your air conditioning system, turn up the thermostat, or leave it set at your normal temperature? For those of you more familiar with cold winter days, you may consider the same about your heating system on a cold winter day: Should you turn it off, turn the thermostat down, or leave it set at your normal temperature? Explain your answer.

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Discussion topic
Scuba diving and water pressure
Scuba diving is an interesting activity as a sport and work, though faced with myriad of challenges. Ocean currents can drag a diver, making him lose his equipments, and even drown. Change in water temperatures may also affect divers. Low water temperatures may result in hyperthermia, as divers lose heat rapidly due to great temperature difference. This, when not solved quickly, may lead to serious health problems and even death (Diving manual, 2008). Poor visibility also hampers divers’ movements, which makes them vulnerable to obstacles, shells, rocks, and even corals.
Similarly, the sea has many dangerous creatures harmful to man. Sharks, stingrays, jellyfishes, and some poisonous fishes have attacked divers. Divers in oceans face dehydration due to the high osmotic pressure imposed by the salty water. They can replenish the lost water by taking fluids after every dive in order to remain healthy. Defective equipments at greater depth can also cause fatalities.
Pressure variation within the ocean greatly limits how human beings explore the ocean. According to experiments done by the US navy, human beings can manage to work in pressures of up to 31 atmospheres (2,330 few). The exposure to higher pressure leads to convulsion, withdrawal, and even death. This means pressure dictates the depth with which men can dive in the ocean. It is important for a diver to ensure a balance of pressure from all sides at every depth. Very high pressure affects a diverâ&...
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