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Ethical Decision-Making Models

Essay Instructions:

Ethical Decision-Making Models

In this assignment, you will describe an ethical dilemma that is relevant to the human service field, which can be something you have encountered in your personal or professional life or have read about in the news. You will then identify two ethical decision-making models, compare and contrast them, and generate a solution to the ethical dilemma you have chosen. You can choose any two models you would like. Some examples include the ETHICS model, the PLUS model, rational model, virtue ethics model, social constructivism model, collaborative model, integrative model, and transcultural integrative model.

Assignment Directions

Using the Unit 9 Assignment Template, please respond to the following:

Describe the ethical dilemma in the human service field that you have chosen, providing as much relevant detail as possible.

Briefly describe both ethical decision-making models, highlighting the key points of each.

What are the strengths and drawbacks of each model?

What ethical principles does each model rely upon? Examples include beneficence, justice, autonomy, etc.

Identify one NOHS Ethical Standard that would be relevant to each model.

Recall your PVQ/Human Values Assessment results in Unit 1. How do your personal values relate to each model? Are your personal values in line with either model?

Identify any cultural considerations relevant to each model. For example, would this model fit the culture of the person in your ethical dilemma?

Are there any state or federal laws to be mindful of when following this model and for your ethical dilemma?

Evaluate the information above. What is the solution to the ethical dilemma you identified? Please note that because you are comparing two models, you may have two different solutions.

Evaluate solutions you identified. Which model would recommend for the ethical dilemma you presented? Discuss why you would choose this model.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Decision-Making Models
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Instructor's Name
Ethical Decision-Making Models
Ethical Dilemma
Ethical dilemmas are common in human services today due to close client interaction. I encountered an ethical dilemma where I was to choose between accepting a monetary gift from a client on a Christmas day. After offering adequate human service to the clients, one of the female clients from a Chinese culture decided to appreciate me through a monetary gift. However, my dilemma was whether to accept it or leave. Accepting the gift would breach the integrity of NHOS; at the same time, rejecting the gift would hurt the client's emotional feelings. Receiving gifts creates a critical dilemma in human services due to the legal and ethical impacts. Therefore, in such a case, a well-established ethical model is necessary.Ethical dilemmas are common in human services today due to close client interaction. I encountered an ethical dilemma where I was to choose between accepting a monetary gift from a client on a Christmas day. After offering adequate human service to the clients, one of the female clients from a Chinese culture decided to appreciate me through a monetary gift. However, my dilemma was whether to accept it or leave. Accepting the gift would breach the integrity of NHOS; at the same time, rejecting the gift would hurt the client's emotional feelings. Receiving gifts creates a critical dilemma in human services due to the legal and ethical impacts. Therefore, in such a case, a well-established ethical model is necessary.
Human Values Assessment Results


Rational Model


The ETHICS model is one of the theoretical models used in decision-making. The model draws from two critical areas theoretical perspectives and ethics (Ling & Hauck, 2017). The model is easily accessible and applicable in human services. The ETHICS model is based on specific steps such as evaluating the ethical dilemma, thinking ahead, offering help, analyzing the information, calculating risk, and selecting effective action.

A rational model is an approach for decision-making based on actual facts, not emotion. The model compares different alternatives rooted in data, facts, and research (Uzonwanne, 2016). The rational model is applicable in human service to avoid legal and ethical issues that may alter the final decision.


ETHICS mode comprises different strengths, especially those related to ethical guidance in decision making. The key strength of the ethical model is that it relies on theoretical and ethical analysis; therefore, making a well-informed decision is easy. Other strengths include emotional and personal values (Ling & Hauck, 2017).

Most strengths of the rational model are based on facts and alternatives. The rational model is valid, based on facts and non-bias, and produces quality decisions. It also allows human service personnel to make rational decisions


The ETHICS model does not have many weaknesses. The main weakness is that resolving a dilemma may be technical due to consideration of emotions. Other weaknesses are lack of facts and data and time consumption.

Many weaknesses also accompany the rational model. However, the major weakness is the use of big data (Uzonwanne, 2016). The rational model relies on big data before making the final decision. Other limitations are: that it does not adequately consider ethical principles and does not consider emotions in decision-making.

Ethical Principles<...
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