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The Impacts of Deforestation in our Environment

Essay Instructions:


Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" link on the course homepage for specific format requirements.

In your course, turn to the Lesson 4. Skim through it to refresh your memory. Next, carefully study and review the section in Lecture Notes titled, “Ecological Challenges.” Skim through that and then focus on the topic of deforestation.

Using your own words, write a short descriptive essay that defines and explains selected environmental impacts of deforestation. As you write, imagine you are talking to a friend who has no knowledge of this topic. In short, write the way you speak, using a conversational tone. Also, try to alternate short sentences and longer sentences to make your writing more readable.

Be sure to create a title and cite yourself as the author. For example:

Environmental Impacts of Deforestation

Jennifer Croft

Your essay should include five paragraphs, as follows:

Paragraph 1 is your lead paragraph. It will contain an overview of what you have to say about these three topics: disruption of the carbon cycle, disruption of the hydrologic (water) cycle, and the reduction of species diversity.

Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4, are your body paragraphs.

Paragraph 2 should describe how deforestation disrupts the carbon cycle.

In paragraph 3, you’ll write about how deforestation disrupts the hydrologic (water) cycle.

In paragraph 4, you’ll explain how deforestation is related to declining species diversity.

Paragraph 5 is your conclusion paragraph. Here, you can describe how you feel about the three effects of deforestation discussed, and what we might do about it.

It’s permissible to use direct quotes from your reading, but don’t use too many. One to three such quotes should be your limit. Be sure to put a direct quote in quotation marks. For example: According to Smith, “Carbon dioxide is both our friend and our enemy.”

Begin by writing a first draft. Then, edit and rework your material to make it clear and concise. After you have reached a final draft, proofread the essay one last time to locate and correct grammar and spelling errors.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Impacts of Deforestation in our Environment
The evolution of the world has caused wide-scale urbanization that led to mass deforestation in order to make way for human activity despite the possible risks (Ortiz et al., 2021). Deforestation is the removal of forests, including trees and all vegetation from land so that it may be used for other purposes, usually for housing and urban developments. However, this has negative effects on the ecosystem, including the disruption of the carbon and water cycles, as well as the disruption of species diversity within that area. Environmental impacts of deforestation go beyond the common impression and assumption that the environment only considers greenery and plants and such. The reality is that the environment and the ecosystem is an intricate tapestries made with interconnected elements of ecology. This means that one disruption from one aspect of the environment can have an impact on some or all other related aspects due to the interconnected nature of the ecosystem.
The carbon cycle is one of the most important biological processes on the earth. It is the process where carbon atoms are recycled into different reservoirs for use and reuse (Igini, 2022). Trees and other plants use carbon dioxide in their respiration cycles and are one of the main contributing factors to the successful process of the carbon cycle. Because of this, trees, and by extension, forests, are important to the carbon cycle. This is why deforestation is a problematic phenomenon that endangers the carbon cycle. Trees also release oxygen back into the atmosphere after absorbing carbon dioxide, so trees assist in minimizing the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions. The increase in gas emissions with nothing to balance it out can cause an accumulation, which will lead to a faster emergence of climate change and global warming. With deforestation, trees would decrease dramatically in number, which affects the oxygen and carbon dioxide availability in the planet. Hence, the ability to maintain the equilibrium or balance between atmospheric gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide decreases as the number of trees decreases.
In relation, the water cycle is also disrupted when deforestation occurs. Trees produce oxygen in the form of water vapor, or gaseous water, which, of course, has oxygen. These water vapors get released during transpiration in the trees' respiration process. Then, it gets condensed into clouds, which of course, provide rain. Other fates of oxygen released by trees get recycled in their respective manners. However, in the case of transpiration, condensation, and precipitation, the oxygen that gets transpired is decreased whenever trees decrease in number during deforestation. With fewer trees, there will be fewer clouds and, therefore, fewer rains. The major effect is that vegetation will not be naturally maintained without other factors for the hydration of soil and plants, like a human intervention. Rain provides hydration and life support to almost all plants, and this is where farms depend on. Even with indirect contact of plants or vegetation with rain, the water cycle still relies on transpired and condensed oxygen to replenish water from sources such as natural bodies of water (oceans, rivers, lakes, etc.) and dams. With deforestation, the eventual decrease in the water supply will cause disruption in processes reliant on water, such as daily living, farming, and food supply, and all of these can also impact the economy and health of p...
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