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Erie Canal Museum Life Sciences Essay Research Paper

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Exploring the Erie Canal Museum
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Situated in Syracuse, NY, the Erie Canal Museum is dedicated to the 1850 National Register Weighlock Building, which is an excellent structure of its kind. On October 30, 2018, I got a chance to visit the museum along with a couple of friends. We reached there by the set time and began exploring the museum as well as its artworks instantly. The Erie Canal Museum tells the incredible story of the Erie Canal. We enjoyed a puppet show there and had a great time together. What attracted my friends and me the most toward this museum was its Weighlock Gallery. An exhibition titled The Mohawk Valley through the Lens was being held there on that day. It attracted a large number of Europeans and Canadians to New York and had numerous artifacts and images in its display. It mainly showcased the works belonging to the 19th and 20th centuries and had a lot to get amazed with.
While exploring the museum and its art galleries, I was brought back to the time when the Erie Canal opened the Midwest to settlement. Before the construction of the Erie Canal, various Americans were pinned between the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean. The canal provided them with direct water and triggered large-scale emigration to the sparsely populated frontiers of Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and New York (Wees, 2007). Before the opening of this museum, it was challenging for people to know what the history of Eric Canal is. In its display centers, especially in the Museum Exhibit a...
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