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Disscusion. Should we save the Salton Sea? Why or why not? How?

Essay Instructions:

Instructions for discussion:

- Review lecture slides/videos in Module 3.

- Follow instructions for discussion-2 provided in Module 3.

- Carefully read the grading rubric.

- Participate in the Discussion Forum

- Create your posts for each topic.

- Posts include your (i) opinions, (ii) comments/questions to others' opinions, and (iii) responses/answers to others' comments/questions. You can write and edit your posts in MS-Word and copy/paste to the forum.

- Topics are as follows and threads are formed for each topic

Topic: Should we save the Salton Sea? Why or why not? How?

- Watch discussion-2-introduction lecture video


- Watch documentary film "Plagues and Pleasures on the Salton Sea" (Weblink provided below) https://m(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=8TjGAWxL23c

- Watch video "Saving the Salton Sea" (Weblink provided below)


Topics are as follows:

Topic 1: Salton Sea in the 1950s: You star as Marty in the new movie 'Back to the Future IV'. You went back to the past and are now in the Salton City in 1951. After all the stories, romances, and again battles with Biff Tannen, you finally became successful in business. Now you see the blooming economy and rosy future of Salton City and the Salton Sea. And you are offered to buy commercial and residential lots in the newly developing Salton City as a VIP investor. What would you do (invest or not)? Defend your answers and question others'. You've never heard of Water Resources and Sustainability class taught at Ohio University, and you only know what you learned about water in high school.

Topic 2: Salton Sea in the 1970s: You were going to return to 2018, but due to temporary malfunctioning of the clock setting, you ended up being held in 1971 in San Diego, CA. Now you see the newspapers and TV shows and also local people talking about the problems with the Salton Sea and Salton City. What are the problems and why did they happen? And you either still own the lot you bought back in 1950s during your visit to the past or know of an old friend who bought the lot when you were there in 1950s. What would you do or recommend your friend to do with the lot? Why? Be as specific and scientific as possible in your discussions. You still have not heard about 'Water Resources and Sustainability' class at taught at Ohio University.

Topic 3: Salton Sea in 2018: After all the stories, memories, and efforts, the Salton Sea still remains in 2018. Should we save it or not? Why or why not? If we should save it, how? What will be the consequences of the disappearance or preservation of the Salton Sea? And you are taking Water Resources and Sustainability class at Ohio University. Therefore now you know about water budget, water quality (nutrients, toxic chemicals), eutrophication. You also learned about active faults and earthquake from other Geology classes.

Examplary Rubrics:

A. Quantity

- How many times did the student post?

B. Quality

- Did the student utilize the required learning resources in their response?

- Was the student's response well reasoned and thoughtful?

C. Critical Thinking

- Did the student’s response attempt to synthesize the postings of their fellow students and the learning resources?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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The Salton Sea is a saline and shallow rift lake that is situated on the San Andreas Fault, in the Coachella and Imperial valleys. According to Michael A. Patten and team, it occupies the lowest elevation of the Salton Sink in Southern California (Patten et al., 2003). Every month, hundreds of people go there to spend quality time and to have fun with each other. Today, the sea is considered saltier than the ocean, meaning it should be saved and its beauty should be preserved by taking a number of measures.
The U.S. Geological Survey reveals that algae are present in the Salton Sea in a large number, and they kill millions of fish and other sea animals every year (2003). The smell these microorganisms create is odd, irritating and annoying, creating discomfort and feelings of restlessness in people who go to the sea with family and friends. Both federal...
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