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Problems With The U.S. Economy Are Mostly Attributable To Undocumented Immigrants From Latin America

Essay Instructions:

Problems with the U.S. economy are mostly attributable to undocumented immigrants from Latin America.

Agree or disagree using reputable sources to back up your claims. Cite your sources in any for mat you prefer,

as long as it is consistent.

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Undocumented Immigrants and the U.S. Economy
How to go about dealing with illegal or undocumented immigrants is usually one of the most pertinent issues in most countries today. This is especially so when it comes to the West. Every year, thousands of immigrants move to other countries in search of jobs, better working conditions, peace, and serenity. While some of these people might move with the proper documentation, some of them often sneak through the borders without any valid documents. They, therefore, end up on a constant cat and mouse race with the law enforcement agencies. In the U.S., illegal immigrants, especially from Latin American countries such as Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Nicaragua continue to pour in by infiltrating the porous Mexico-America border. The impacts of these immigrants to the nation’s economy are varied. To some extent, though not entirely, it is true that the problems with the U.S. economy are mostly attributable to undocumented immigrants from Latin America.
Impacts on The Economy
There is a clear reason as to why they are normally termed as undocumented immigrants. The U.S. has its systems when it comes to taking in immigrants. These systems work by considering the amount of available space within certain areas and sectors, against the number of immigrants to be taken up. This ensures that the number of immigrants taken balances the available opportunities and resources as allocated by the government (Bacon, 2008). The moment the figure balances, and then the window is closed. This, therefore, forces those who were locked out, to try finding a way in, through infiltration of the porous border. That is exactly how they become undocumented (Chomsky, 2014).
The first issue with undocumented immigrants is the stress they put upon the available resources. Every financial year, the government allocates, via the budget, the required funds to sustain the various projects and facilities around the country. The government does this based on the statistics in its records. These statistics indicate the number of people in each area. It, therefore, allocates accordingly, so that everyone is adequately considered during the appropriation. However, when there are undocumented immigrants within the country, it simply means that they are not known by the government (Abramitzky & Boustan, 2017). The budgetary allocation by the government will be less than what is needed on the ground since there are more people than those captured in the government’s records.
The result is a lot of pressure and strain on the available resources, as what is there is shared by people who were not considered in the first place; the undocumented immigrants. The nation’s economy, therefore, has to be stretched to a great extent, in order to keep on accommodating these individuals. Social amenities such as hospitals will also be affected (Massey & Pren, 2012). The available medication and even the medical team will be strained due to the high number of patients, of whom some are undocumented immigrants. Drugs will be running out so quickly, way earlier than the planned time.
The government will have to plow deeper into its reserves to come up with supplementary budgets during such incidences. A constant strain on the economy by these undocumented immigrants also implied that they could not be taxed since they have no documents to tax. They were simply “in the air.” The country works based on the revenue accrued from taxation of its citizens and other businesses. Undocumented immigrants are, basically, not citizens of any nation. While they consumed what was provided by the economy, they did not, in turn, give anything in return to ensure that the economy was ...
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