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Cocaine Compound: Protection for the Plants and Effects on Humans

Essay Instructions:

Plant Chemical Adaptations

Physical adaptations are one way plants adjust to specific environmental conditions. For example, cacti have spines in place of leaves to prevent water loss in the arid conditions of the desert. Chemical adaptations are another means for plant protection. Many plants produce toxic or noxious compounds to protect themselves from insects or animals that would eat them, to reduce competition from other plants, or even to change the response of pollinators. Humans often harvest these compounds for their own benefit.Watch this video for help with completing the assignment.

Read this article on the search for useful plant compounds

Read this article on the less-than-beneficial uses of plant products

Choose 1 of the following compounds:


Answer the following for the compound you chose in the form of a 1–2-page paper.

Describe the compound and in what plant(s) it is found.

Explain how this compound provides protection for the plant.

Does the compound provide any other benefits for the plant, such as enhanced pollination?

What effect does the compound have on humans?

Utilize at least 1 credible source to support the arguments presented in the paper. Make sure that you cite appropriately within your paper, and list the reference(s) in APA format on your Reference page.

Formatting guidelines: In accordance with APA formatting requirements, your paper should include Title and Reference pages; should be double-spaced; and should include a running head and page numbers. Your paper should be 1–2 pages in length, not counting the Title page, and Reference page.




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Cocaine Compound
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Cocaine Compound
Multiple addictive elements used by humans are derived from different plants across the globe. For instance, cocaine is extracted from the coca plant. During the 1840s, cocaine was initially extracted from the coca plant and used in different forms such as powders and drinks. Cocaine is extracted from the coca plant’s leaves, which are among the fourteen alkaloids that happen naturally in the plant. Only two types of coca leaves out of over 200 species contain adequate cocaine alkaloids for production (Miller, 2022). Alkaloids are naturally occurring compounds produced by plants that contain chemicals that cause side effects of drug abuse. The side effects of cocaine after extraction and production from the coca plant include high body temperatures, loss of appetite, pupil dilation, and high energy. The alkaloid produced by the plant is supposed to offer protection against insects and not substance abuse by people.
The coca plant produces neurotoxins known as alkaloids to protect itself from bugs. The toxin alters the chemical balance in a bug’s brain to put it in an exhausted state to repel them or even kill them if the concentration is high. Like humans, ingesting a significant amount of the compound leads to overdose. The small amount ingested by humans contributes to the typical side effects such as reduced appetite and high energy, to mention a few. Cocaine also helps regulate the growth of the coca plant by providing nitrogen to the plant. Alkaloids are the final products of a plant’s metabolism. Also, cocaine helps in enhancing populations in multiple ways. The compound is contained in the formation of nectars that cause flower swindling by pollinators, thus increasing the quality and quantity of pollination. It also increases the levels of the dietary supplement consumed naturall...
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