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According to the bible the only moral sex is natural sex.

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According to the Bible, the Only Moral Sex is Natural Sex
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Moral Sex
Biblically, there are moral standards that have been established by God concerning sex and which human beings, particularly Christians are expected to meet. When this sex is practiced within the set moral boundaries, it brings delight, honor and satisfaction to humanity. Ideally, the Bible considers natural sex as the only moral sex, and is characterized by marriages that are heterosexual and monogamous. Normally, this type of moral sex is also expected to be fruitful. Even though this is the generally held view, there are individuals who do not agree with this since they believe that the Bible and Christianity are both against people enjoying sex. One philosopher in particular is Marquis de Sade whose views about love, sex and morality have been considered controversial for a long time. Due to this, it makes it necessary to compare the two in relation to their different perspectives and the reasons why they disagree.
According to the Bible, the mystery and power surrounding sex makes it necessary for it to be practiced within certain limits. This is the view held by the Bible and it explains why sex is considered holy and fidelity a must-have quality for all people especially those in marriage (Gen 2:24). In the same way adultery is spoken against and can even invite punishment from God. By stating this, the Bible emphasizes the importance of maintaining sex within the confines of marriage. Involving a third party or having any other sexual relations outside marriage makes sex immoral and sinful. In this regard, it is clear that the Bible has set a boundary for sex, which is marriage. By keeping it within marriage then it becomes moral sex.
The Bible advocates for natural sex because it helps maintain the purity of the body hence justifying it to be moral. Notably, God expects human beings to use the body to worship Him by taking care of it and not engaging in immoral sexual acts. In addition, the practice of using the body as a sexual toy is discouraged biblically. According to the Bible, sexual sin affects the body in a greater way than any other sin (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). In other words, when one participates in sexual immorality then his or her own body ends up suffering. That is why only natural sex is considered moral because it does not defile the body while other unnatural acts such as prostitution,...
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