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Social control isn't limited by law only. Clarify?

Essay Instructions:

Answer two questions of the following:

Answer two questions of the following:

1- Social control isn't limited by law only. Clarify?

2- A Turkish vessel stopped 14 nautical miles far from the Greek coast, the government in Greece objected and made a complaint before the Security Council. Do you see that there is any violation from the Turkish vessel if you know that the assumed distance between the Turkish and the Greek coasts is 60 NM?

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Question 1
Social control comprises specific rules that must be followed by community members, community, and nation. Some of these rules of conduct include positive behaviors defined by culture (Law, n.d.). In this regard, we can argue that social control is never controlled by culture alone. Expectations from the cultural context dictate the rules to be followed. There are certain rules of conduct that are compulsory, while others are optional. In many societies or countries with complex cultures such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the social control laws are documented for everyone to read and understand. The social control laws are usually part of the traditional values passed from generation to another. Many people from other regions usually never understand what these rules are, or what they entail, until they are caught in a dispute.
For example, the UAE is a nation that is dominated by Muslims. Specific social control laws govern the way people dress, relate with each other, and behave in public spaces. Although the country has continued to evolve and attract more customers, the laws are never applied strictly to visitors. However, it is expected everyone will conduct themselves based on customs or culture prevailing within the country. The social control laws are not specifically outlined in law but require applying critical thinking and contextualizing with society's culture. For example, it is expected that you will seek permission from the people before taking photographs. Moreover, if you are not a Muslim, you are not supposed to enter a mosque without permission (Dubai.com, n.d.). This proves that social control is never limited by law alone and includes the cultural, religious, a...
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