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Scenario B CRJ 320. Investigating a Shooting Scene.

Essay Instructions:

A 24-hour restaurant has been robbed. Shots were fired and one person was shot in the arm. Local business owners are worried, and the local newspaper has carried front-page articles each day for the past five days. The only evidence so far is a woolen cap that was found a block away from the store and appears similar to one worn by the robber. Some witnesses claim that the suspect seemed very nervous and that the shots were fired when the person who was shot made a move toward the suspect. No other information exists.

1.)Where does your investigation start?

2.)What would you do?

3.)How would you process the crime scene?

4.) What witnesses would you interview?

5.)What steps would you follow in this investigation?

6.) Can you think of any additional leads you would like to follow?

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Investigating a Shooting Scene
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As a police officer handling the case shooting, my investigation will start with securing the potential evidence which is the cap that is suspected to have been worn by the suspect. To secure the scene as an officer, I will first go to the crime scene. Then I would evaluate physical evidence possibilities. Then I would prepare a narrative of the scene, take photos of the scene, prepare the crime scene sketch and do a proper search. The hair will be taken through hair analysis and any other types of DNA evidence. Then it would be kept in an evidence for possible future use. In case through the cap, DNA is identified, this could offer physical evidence that can be used in the investigations, if in any case the suspect is identified.
A part from the cap there is the bullet which was used in the shooting. The bullet could be lodged in the arm or if it passed through the bone could be stuck somewhere. In case the bullet is recovered it can be matche...
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