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Relationship between Society and Constitution. Law Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

There is a relationship between Society and Constitution. Write an essay, not less than 500 words, to analyze this relationship in detail. then compare between the written and unwritten constitutions and end your essay with your preference for either and why?

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Society and Constitution
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Society and Constitution
The proper and cordial stay in society requires relevant principles as guidance. These are rules that societies agree to and vary from one region to another. Due to the diversified nature of social structures, there is a need for a harmonized document to summarize all the laws (Tyson, 2015). Such demands by several countries led to the birth of the currently documented constitutions. According to Savelsberg and Cleveland (2017), governments have embraced these for long, discussed, and voted to combine all the philosophies guiding society into organized documents. The process picks the most relevant regulations, organize them into various chapters as a uniform guide. Mostly, the process takes both political and societal angles but captures every aspect of society. The result is an influence between law and social changes.
For laws to guide society, several social changes have to occur. Some changes include acceptance that the community can no longer guide themselves by applying their rules, but by borrowing from the concepts and prescriptions of law (Savelsberg & Cleveland, 2017). This way, constitutions become the vehicles for social change, to govern and provide frameworks to order. On the other hand, the smooth application of constitutions must be based on precedents set by society's governs. The effects of social capital will positively or negatively strengthen or weaken the harmonious application of the laws. Some communities set the rules themselves and give guidelines on how they will be applied. This means the society and law have mutual benefits to each other's existence to provide relevant mechanisms achieving some order.
Constitutions are a set of rul...
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