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Small Claims Court Offers Several Advantages

Essay Instructions:





Students will use the facts provided in the problem, their learnings in the course and research to complete the project. 




  • Each question has different requirements. Generally, answers must:
    • Satisfy the requirements of the questions.
    • Where required, accurately state the law or principle.
    • Provide thorough analyses and explanations.
    • Make appropriate use of secondary sources, case law and legislation where required.
    • Present clear and logical arguments.  The reader can easily follow the line of reasoning.
    • Coherent, clear and concise writing.
    • Adheres to principles of grammar and appropriate use of punctuation.
    • Well-organized presentation.
    • References follow APA formatting guidelines.


Each of the problem has a designated number of marks and a maximum word count.  The maximum word count is not a required word count. Some problems have specific questions that require answers. Other problems require an IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion) analysis. Instructions on how to complete an IRAC analysis will be provided separately.


You will need to do external research for some of the questions.  If case law or legislative research is required, it will be noted in the question.  Otherwise, the text, lectures, other secondary sources, information on government websites and articles should be used.


Hints and Tips


  • Please pay close attention to what the question asks of you and answer it. Also, pay attention to the instructions. If the question does not indicate that you need to do additional research to answer the question, you should be able to answer the question using course materials (i.e., the text and lectures).
  • Use headings. This helps the reader understand the organization and flow of the paper.
  • There is rarely, if ever, a need to use an exclamation point in academic writing. Do not do it.



Mark is a senior software engineer at a video game design company based in Vancouver, B.C.  The company, DigiPlay (DP), is very successful with numerous popular titles and services.  Over the last few years, its growth strategy has shifted to a service model rather than relying on titles. DP’s head office is in Vancouver and has offices and development campuses globally.


Mark has a Master of Science degree from UBC.  He has worked at DP since he graduated from the UBC program eight years ago. He received a work experience opportunity while in the MSc program and was offered a position after graduation.  DP is a good company to work for. It pays well and has many perks, including stock options, education opportunities, and progressive leave arrangements. Mark has done very well at the company, has always received glowing performance reviews, and now manages a team of five engineers.


Part A


Problem 1: Mark recently moved into a new condo in Vancouver. He hired a moving company to move his belongings. Unfortunately, during transport, some of his belongings were substantially damaged.  Included in the damaged property were some antique pieces of furniture and art that Mark’s grandmother had left him when she passed away.  The moving company was not accepting responsibility and said the property was damaged before the move. Mark wants to sue the moving company for the damage to his property and seek compensation.  He estimates that the damage has resulted in approximately a loss of $35,000 - $40,000.

Mark is good friends with Katie, a lawyer in DP’s legal department.  Mark does not want to pay for a lawyer and will handle the lawsuit himself. Even though Katie specializes in intellectual property law, she agreed to try and answer Mark’s questions about the legal process.  Over lunch, Mark asks for advice on the following question.


  1. In what court should Mark file the lawsuit? What are the pros and cons of each court?
  2. How does he start a lawsuit? What documents are required, and what information is needed for the document?
  3. After he starts the lawsuit, what is the next step he must take?
  4. What are his obligations concerning document disclosure?


(20 marks; Max 1000 words)


Problem 2: Katie is working on a potential liability problem with the senior lawyer at DP. A security risk in one of DP’s games has arisen in the last few months. There may be a defect in the programming that could allow hackers to access the user’s personal information. With the assistance of a team from various divisions, Katie’s boss has asked her to prepare a memo for the VP responsible for the security division. Katie’s boss asks her to include the following in the memo:


  1. Name and explain the different forms of risk management that DP can employ.
  2. For each form of risk management, list two options that DP could undertake. For each option, analyze the pros and cons and its impact on the business.


(20 Marks; Max 1000 words)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Small Claims Court Offers Several Advantages 
Question 1
Mark should file the lawsuit in small claims court, primarily because the dispute involves a relatively small amount of money. In addition, small claims court offers several advantages that outweigh the disadvantages. Several advantages are associated with small claims courts: compared to regular courts, they are simpler, less expensive, and faster (McInnes et al.,2017). In addition, the procedures are less complicated, meaning that a party can act on their own behalf. Since Mark has decided to handle the lawsuit by himself, the small claims court will suit his needs. It is important to consider the cons associated with small claims court. The court has geographical limits since the plaintiff must sue where the event occurred or where the business is located. Other drawbacks include the type of claim allowed, remedies offered, and monetary limits. Regarding monetary limits, the claim size is capped at specific amounts depending on the jurisdiction. For British Columbia, the small claims court deals with cases of claims between $5001 and $35,000 (Provincial Court of British Columbia, 2021). In essence, the small claims court's drawbacks do not significantly affect Mark's lawsuit. Therefore, small claims court is his best chance of getting compensation for damaged property.
Question 2
Mark should start the lawsuit by undertaking the pleadings process. As informed by McInnes et al. (2017), pleadings refer to the documents used to identify the issues under dispute and clarify the complaint's nature. Statement of claim is one of the pleadings that lawsuits start with, and the plaintiff, in this case, Mark, will use it to describe his complaint. As noted by McInnes et al. (2017), the statement of claim specifies the facts that the plaintiff seeks to base their arguments on and the remedy they seek to receive. It is important to note that the small claims court must issue the statement of the claim.
After serving the moving company with the statement of claim, Mark may expect a statement of defense only, or it may come along with a counterclaim. If Mark would like to dispute the contents of the statement of the defense by the moving company, he will have to use a reply. If the moving company included a counterclaim alongside its statement of defense, Mark may decide to use a statement of defense to the counterclaim. The final document that may be useful for Mark’s lawsuit is the demand for particulars document, which will require that the moving company provide additional information. Therefore, as can be seen, there are several documents that Mark will have to fill in the early stages of his lawsuit.
Question 3
After starting the lawsuits, the next step would be the pre-trial activity which is characterized by examinations for discovery (McInnes et al., 2017). This process will involve Mark and the legal representative for the moving company asking one another questions to obtain relevant information pertaining to their case. It is essential to recognize that while discoveries are conducted outside of the court, they are done under oath, and the information obtained may be used as evidence in the trial stage (McInnes et al., 2017). The discoveries is followed by a pre-trial conference attended by the conflicting parties and a judge. In this stage, each party outlines their positions, and the judge opines on the side that is likely to win if the lawsuit proceeds to trial. The losing party may thus decide to settle.
If the parties do not agree upon a settlement, the case will proceed to trial to be decided by a judge. During this stage, Mark and the moving company representative will present their evidence and arguments. The court will determine after the hearing whether the moving company is guilty or not guilty. If the company is found guilty by the court, it will have to pay compensatory damages to Mark.
Question 4
In filling the statement of claim, Mark must outline the facts about the nature of his complaint. In addition, after each party has received the basic pleadings, the moving company may require additional information from Mark regarding the lawsuit. Therefore, if the moving company uses a demand for particulars document, Mark may be obliged to disclose the information demanded by the defendant.
Problem 2
Question 1
Risk Avoidance. When the risk is too severe, the DP can opt for risk avoidance. In essence, the goal here is to eliminate the risk. If the DP opts for this form of risk management, it will mean preventing any potential vulnerability that the game may pose to the organization and its customers (Raggad, 2010).
Risk Reduction. Risk r...
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