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Troubled Criminal Justice Agency

Essay Instructions:

Week 1 – Off the Rails Paper

Read the scenario, Off the Rails: A Troubled Criminal Justice Agency. (provided doc)

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper assessing the situation at the detention center. Include a discussion of the following questions:

How does the lack of leadership from the chief executive affect an organization? Can other sources provide leadership?

Who are the constituents of the detention center? How are they affected by the situation?

What is the result when supervisors focus on processes instead of people?

What trends found in Ch. 3 of Managing Police Organizations should the detention center embrace?

(10 Trends; Flat World, Higher Tech, Lower Touch, 9/11 Partnership, Pension Envy, From Bureaucracy to Agility, Volunteers, Empowerment, Cut Back Leadership, and Social Media.)

- Google trends as necessary I cannot provide a textbook.

How would you go about implementing them?

What does the research on leadership suggest needs to change at the detention center? What attributes of leaders are suggested?

Include at least one scholarly source

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Troubled Criminal Justice Agency
Leadership is a crucial aspect of an organization and impacts a large part of the organization. Strong leadership guarantees the success of the organization in many sectors. Strong leadership enables the employees to be more motivated, adapt and sustain the working environment, and improve innovation. Leaders steer the entire team and face a lot of pressure from juniors, and they have to be able to handle the situation for the prosperity of the organization. Leaders clarify the vision and communication of the organization. The Spring Valley Detention Center serving as a jail for law enforcement agencies, has faced leadership problems that have affected the agency and made them fail to operate effectively. The agency has been hit with a culture of mediocrity and has slowed down its operations from different sections.
Leadership at Spring Valley detention Center has been in question in different situations, and the warden and his team have not met the expectations. The law questioned the longstanding personnel and procedural issues a few months ago. Poor leadership affected the culture of the agency and created low working morale. Poor leadership affects an organization and can make it not meet the goals of the organization since the leader fails to inspire employees to deliver. Public satisfaction cannot be met due to poor leadership. According to research, there is reduced customer satisfaction in an organization with poor leadership. The agency has been directly affected by these issues and reduced operational efficiency.
The detention center has several constituents affected by poor leadership in the agency. There are leaders like wardens, employees, Deputy Wardens, correction officers, and inmates. These groups have been affected by leaders' incompetence, and the agency has lost its culture. People have lost the morale to work and deliver in the agency due to poor communication. The organization has become a chaotic, poor working environment for most people (Kania & Davis, 2018). The management is more focused on a process that hinders the general productivity of the agency. The entire agency has lost culture and morale.
The management focuses mainly on the process instead of the people, which has sparked problems in the agency. Ho...
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