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Should genetic engineering in humans be legal?

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Should genetic engineering in humans be legal?

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Should Genetic Engineering in Humans be Legal?
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Should Genetic Engineering in Humans be Legal?
Typically, genetic engineering is the process of altering the genetic sequences of an organism through DNA. Genetic engineering has been active for decades and scientist use to control breeding or probably to generate new resistant breeds that can match with current climatic conditions. Essentially, it involves the transfer of one gene to another to produce and unique phenotype (Barnhart, 2002). The objective of this study is to determine the eligibility of genetic engineering to humans. In this case, we focus statements and results released on successful DNA altercations. In this pervasive era, technology has revolutionized health care and science in general, and it would be absurd not to acknowledge its benefits in the medical field. The history of gene modification is extensive, and it encompasses both biomedical techniques and artificial modifications (Britta, 2020).
There are varied ways to modify a gene, for example, the combination of cells in vitro to produce a new phenotype (new organism). There is no contextual influence in this research, and the scientific process is legit and authentically supported with data from labs and research departments across the globe. Notably, contextual values are involved, but they only engage the research externally but not internally, thus preserving science's integrity. Therefore, the overall work remains objective making it good science.
Should genetic engineering in humans be legal? The aspect of genetic modification has brought a lot of benefits to the world; for example, it has made it easier to fight chronic diseases such as cancer. It has also enabled the production of plants resistant to climate changes, thus curbing food insecurities globally (Barnhart, 2002). In this case, gene modification is good science for the existing generation and the future generation.
Genetic engineering was established in the 20th century, and it was improved by different scientists, biomedical engineers, and biochemists. One of the biochemists in DNA fragmentation is known as Stanley Cohen in 1973. Can we term genetic engineering as safe science for human welfare? There are a lot of questions that have trolling DNA modification not only in humans but also across other entities. This question's answer will be integrated into the autonomy of science and external contextual values impacting the case research (Barnhart, 2002). The autonomy of science is the process of making decisions based on publication or research. The primary source of this case's justification will be derived from publications and scientific research.
Everything that is artificially made has both negative and positive attributes; for example, gene modification may not necessarily help solve all health problems. Gene editing is the art of human engineering phenotypes to fit in a certain environment. However, the experimentation is done on living beings and not computer simulations (Britta, 2020). What is the impact of these experiments on humans? There are various risks associated with these experiments; for instance, the newly engineered gene is irreversible, meaning if it is not successful, the person involved will be affected for the rest of life. Some diseases are associated with genetic engineering, and that is why some people prefer to adopt children.
However, DNA science has brought a solution to this challenge; couples with compromised DNA can get children through Vitro fertilization. Besides the benefits and dangers of genetic engineering in humans, there are myths (they are not scientifically proven) surrounding the subject. For example, some believe that if a person goes through DNA modification, there are likely that offspring will have some physical defects such as extremely tall or blue-eyed (Barnhart, 2002). There are many benefits that reflect the safe hence legal; for example, genetic mutation is a product of genetic engineering. There are three types of genetic engineering that will prove it is safe, polycationic, electroporation and microinjection.
DNA microinjection is a science that proves the legality of genetic engineering. It indulges in random integration of genes through DNA to create zygotes. A zygote is usually the combination of egg and sperms in a cell; in this case, it develops slowly then fragments after a certain period. DNA microinjection is characterized by its ability to host extensive integration of cells. Notably, this form of genetic engineering has been tested n several human beings and proven to be effective (Barnhart, 2002). Genetic engineering is an extensive subject, and sometimes it might not be effective, and its legality remains outstanding. For example, CRISPR injection used to make embryos outside the fallopian tube proves that science is true. This case research focuses on showing the legality of genetic engineering in human beings by evaluating benefits, application, and law compliance. Notably, most countries have not proven yet, but the USA is geared towards reaping genetic engineering benefits in different entities (Bruce & Bruce, 2014).
Genetic engineering has helped the world with drought-resistant planting seeds that lead to maximum production of food. In this case, t...
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