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Analysis on Filing a Complaint for Assault and Battery

Essay Instructions:

Answer each question as completely as possible. Please use times new Roman, 12

point font, double spacing, one inch margins. (with the exception of question 1, which

can be single spaced). The assignment must be submitted through turnitin. Points for

each question as noted.

There is no page limit, but answer all questions as thoroughly as possible. I would

expect that you will have a complaint the approximate length of the complaint in the

Tringali case. Your second answer could be answered in 3-5 well written sentences.

Your third answer could be addressed in a well-written paragraph that identifies

pertinent facts from the trial, and explains why you think those facts help resolve the

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Author Affiliation
Question 1: complaint of Eugene Parker.
United States District Court
Rhode Island
Eugene Parker (Plaintiff) v Robert Currier and Steven Dalton (Defendants)
Complaint for: Assault and Battery
Demand: Jury and Compensation
Plaintiff Eugene Parker (EP) brings this action to enjoin Defendants Robert Currier (RC) and Steven Dalton (SD) for assault and Battery. EP seeks for:
1 compensation ($76,000) for the injuries and embarrassment he sustained as a result of battery and assault; in the form of a) intentional or reckless, b) unwanted touching by defendants, and c) without the plaintiff's consent.
2 Further, the plaintiff seeks to be heard by the jury in a court of law under Rhode Island Jurisdiction because the defendants are residents of the area.
Facts of Event
1 On October 31st, 2015, EP went to a dumpsite in Hannover, Rhode Island, where he found the defendants already unloading debris from RC's Mercedes. While backing his van at average speed, RC asked him why he could not wait for them to finish and, in the process, punched EP's truck.
2 Offended, EP called RC an idiot and told him he should not hit his van just because he owned a Mercedes. After an exchange of words and profanities, SD struck EP on the back of the neck as EP was walking away to unload his van.
3 When EP turned around, SD put his hands on his (EP’s) chest and told him not to have talked to RC like that.
4 RC then shoved EP using one of the van's doors, yelling, "you deserve it!".
5 According to EP, James Bouviard (JB) (his friend) was at the scene of the incident and witnessed the confrontation.
6 EP has pictures of the bruises he sustained and the doctor’s records of the injuries.
7 JB claims he saw RC punch EP's van and the verbal exchange, but he did not see the assault as he had walked away 15 feet from the incident.
8 However, the sounds JB heard were consistent with the EP narrative.
Jurisdictional Statement
Jurisdiction: United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island according to s. 39 Criminal Justice Act 1998
Venue: The ve...
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