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Law Essay: Managing Police and Private Security

Essay Instructions:

Select one of the topics below, which can be researched using the internet:

1. Early roots of policing: Sir Robert Peel’s nine principles during the 1820s and their connection to modern-day policing.

2. Community policing, as viewed by Robert C. Trojanowicz and Bonnie Bucqueroux.

3. Problem-oriented policing and its past, present, and future implications, according to Herman Goldstein.

4. Broken-window concept and its connection to social disorder as described by George L. Kelling.

5. The Roles of Police and Private Security Officers in Urban Social Control by Rick Ruddell, Matthew O. Thomas, and Ryan Patten (University Library).

6. Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that examines the following:

How the components of policing and private security related to your topic

The administrative and operational considerations related to functions of patrol, crime investigation, emergency, and critical incident response

Some critical management factors for effective policing that were outlined in the examples

The effect of your selected topic on future issues in the field

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines with at least two outside reference sources.

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Managing Police and Private Security
Police maintain law and order globally, making their job description unique and demanding. In human history, numerous cases involving misunderstandings between the police and citizens have been reported. The discrepancies and conflicts between police and citizens have resulted in the development of policing policies in the service. The policies seek to harmonize interaction between police and citizens of respective countries and create an enabling environment for police to perform their duties. Moreover, they are a reference to ethical and professional principles of police service. Different policies have been drafted to address various challenges such as drugs, violence, and social issues. This paper explores policing principles drafted by Sir. Robert Peel, roughly two centuries ago, and their connection to modern-day policies in the service.
Robert Peel
Robert was visionary and developed three major principles to solve the police service’s challenges, including the main aim of police was to curb crime and not arrest criminals. According to Robert, crime could be solved using more friendly and understanding methods instead of harassing citizens in the name of arresting criminals (Albrecht, 2019). The second principle suggested that if the police force was to eliminate crime in London, they needed community support. The public should believe in the police enough to offer their support. Moreover, the police force should develop policies and traits that facilitate support, such as trust and efficiency. The third principle suggested community to earn public support, the police should respect community values (Noppe, Verhage, & Van Damme, 2017). The police should understand and respect community values and culture for citizens to willing to support the elimination of crime.
Policing Principles
Moreover, Robert developed policing principles including preventing crime and maintaining order, rather than using military power and severe punishment on criminals. The police service and the public were intertwined; therefore, the police’s success depended on public approval and respect. The police force had to secure the public’s willing cooperation and engage people in a friendly but lawful manner (Noppe, Verhage, & Van Damme, 2017). If the police were viewed as outcasts of society, it would be impossible to achieve their duties. Sir Robert pointed out that using force and coercing the public would diminish public support, hindering the delivery of duties and services. The public will not respect police service for being lenient; however, impartiality to law, competence, independence, justice, and equality was vital in gaining support and respect. Concerning his policies, police should not let criminals get away with crime in the name of friendship (Noppe, Verhage, & Van Damme, 2017). He further stated that civilized means of obtaining information were effective and reliable instead of physical force...
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