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Organizational Behavior

Essay Instructions:

Write an 800 word paper describing the forces of change and approaches to managing organizational change in criminal justice agencies, including identifying observable aspects of organizational cultures. Answer the following questions: What social, political, and organizational behavior can influence change in criminal justice agencies? What is the relationship between organizational behavior and organizational systems? How can the perceptions of organizational stakeholders be managed? What techniques might we use? What are some observable aspects of the organizational culture of criminal justice agencies? How can change management strategies benefit criminal justice agencies and the criminal justice system? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines 6th Edition

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Organizational Behavior
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Organizational behavior involves the study of how people within an organization act or relate with one another. Regardless of the type of the organization human behavior within an organization shapes the behavior of others. Activities within an organization, for example, the mode of communication, time management, solving problems, goal setting, and delegation among others influence the human behavior within an organization. This is a reality within the criminal justice agencies. They influence individuals’ attitudes and their behavior pattern. This paper will look at the organizational behavior as far as the criminal justice agencies are concerned.
Factors influencing change within criminal justice systems
An organization’s environment entails any external event, phenomenon, individual, group or system. For example, there is interdependence between criminal justice agencies and their external environment. Environmental factors may include social, political, and organizational behaviors. They all play key roles in terms of creation, changes, and maintaining the criminal justice system. As concerns the social factor, norms, values, behaviors, symbols, as well as, the expectations of societal members cause changes within criminal justice agencies. There is an prospect that the criminal justice system must offer security to the citizens, according to the approval of the public. The demands amongst different social groups within a society against the criminal justice system may conflict depending on their social characteristics. For example, in 1960 during the riots on race, many individuals were not happy about the police conduct. Brutality and charges of racism were common. For example, some people were against the use of force by the police in efforts of ending rioting. On the other hand, other groups of people were supporting the use of force by the police to implement law and order and to end the rioting. Liberals viewed use of coercion as bias against the people within a lower social class. On the other hand, the conservatives viewed the act of rioting as lawlessness (Klofas, 2004).
Relationship between the organizational systems and organizational behavior
Organization system entails different organs, as well as, departments within an organization and how they relate to each other. In the criminal justice structure, there are different organs with different levels of authority, and they work together to ensure law and order. Organizational behavior within the criminal justice system entails, how junior employees and their seniors interact, either positively or negatively. Personnel within the criminal justice systems must be committed to ethical behavior. However, there are cases of scandals involving illegal and unethical practices. Such cases are sensitive because they could adversely affect the public trust in the criminal justice systems. Therefore, the way in which personnel in different organs within the criminal justice system interact with each other is important as far as service delivery is concerned (Hassell, 2006).
Managing perceptions of organizational stakeholders
Perception is anything an individual believes to be true. Managing stakeholders’ perceptions, contributes to a strong organization. One of the most effective techniques applicable in stakeholders’ perception management is through engaging them. This entails understanding their perception towards diff...
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