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Criminal Justice Organizational Trends

Essay Instructions:

Write a 800 word paper on criminal justice organizational trends. Include the following information: Compare the use of privatization, e-corporation, and militarization of criminal justice organizations with current organizational structures. Compare historical and traditional organizational behavior theories, and the effect of societal and organizational diversity in criminal justice organizations. Using the Criminal Justice Motivational Theories Matrix, explain how one or more theories of motivation affect criminal justice organizations. Include at least three peer-reviewed articles from the University of Phoenix Library. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines 6th edition

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Criminal Justice Organizational Trends
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Criminal Justice Organizational Trends
Criminal justice is one of the major areas that have experienced changes in the correctional field. The correctional facilities are on the verge of instilling discipline to the convicts while also ensuring that justice is enforced. Organizational justice has been analyzed mostly in two dimensions; distributive justice and procedural justice. The justice dimensions are indicators of the ability of the organizations to consider justice rather than the victimization of the potential convicts (Hage, 2012). Many organizations have incorporated justice into their systems to allow the teamwork and collective achievement of objectives. However, trends have arisen in the criminal justice organizations. This essay analyses the trends that have arisen in the criminal justice organizations; including privatization, e-corporation, and militarization of criminal justice organizations.
The current organizational structures have experienced revolutions regarding the enforcement of ethics. The criminal justice organizations are part of the areas that have been required to incorporate ethics in their function. Privatization, e-corporation, and militarization have been major issues that have arisen in the field of criminal justice (Coopet, & Worrall, 2012). Privatization has occurred due to the shift of ownership of the criminal justice services to the private sectors. The private sector has taken over the control and decision making of the criminal justice services regarding the protection of property and persons. The privatization has been enforced because the governments have lacked the ability and capacity to carry out these services. The contracting of the private companies has led to the shift of this management to the private sector (Hage, 2012).
Militarization has also been a major occurrence in the security system. The military have been allowed to carry out functions that are related to other criminal justice agencies such as the police (Coopet, & Worrall, 2012). The aim of such inclusions is to foster security initiatives. Sometimes, private security contractors have been contracted to handle the security concerns of the organizations. Some issues regarding the inability of the available security personnel to handle security has led to the militarization. This comes in with the current terrorism and civil issues that require the intervention of such teams. A partnership between the private security providers and the military have revolutionized the criminal justice services towards accountability and protection of the civilian. However, some of the government structures are using these structures for their benefit (Tapio, 2012).
Another trend in the criminal justice services is an e - corporation. The e-corporation has allowed for the prison privatization and industrialization. The ability to create these areas has established controversies over the eligibility of its occurrence. The e-corporation aims at the increasing the corporate power to the correctional facilities. It also aims at empowering the inmates towards self-satisfaction and employment. Criminologists argue that the e-corporati...
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