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Newton’s First Law Of Motion: Identify Objects In Motion

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Any Newton's laws of motion

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Newton’s Law of Motion
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Born in December 1642, Sir Isaac Newton was a famous English astronomer, author, physicist, and mathematician. He is famous for his three laws of motions and is considered a key figure in the field of science. Newton wrote a book titled Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687, which laid the foundation of classical mechanics. Through his knowledge and experiments, he contributed to the field of optics. Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz are credited for developing or creating the infinitesimal calculus. In Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, Newton used some mathematical descriptions of gravity in order to prove Kepler's laws of planetary motion, the trajectory of comets, account for tides, the precession of equinoxes and other similar things. Newton's laws of motion are three of the biggest and most significant physical laws that paved the ways for other scientists to dig deeper and propose their theories and laws regarding the force and the motion. It is safe to say that all of his laws have their properties and features, and can be proved true using some examples.
Newton’s First Law of Motion
If we look at the things around us, it will be easy for us to recognize or identify objects in motion. We can then distinguish them from the objects that are at rest. The world we live in has many things that remain in constant motion, and some of those things hardly move. For example, super-sonic jets, airplanes, cars, trucks and other similar objects remain in motion in one way or the other. At the same time, things like plants, mountains, and buildings stay stick to their positions until or unless we do not destroy them or move them from one place to another through some engineering methods. What causes objects to move from one place to another? What makes them stay at a single position for long? How much time an object in motion takes to stop its movement? In order to answer all these questions, Isaac Newton developed a scientific law, called Newton’s First Law of Motion.
According to this law, a body at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion with the same velocity until an external force is exerted on it. There are numerous examples to prove this law. For example, a chair present in one corner of the bedroom will stay stick to its original position until or unless we do not exert a force on it in order to move the chair from one place to another. Similarly, a car that runs on the road at a fast speed may keep moving in the same direction and with the same velocity constantly, until an external force in the form of brakes is not exerted on it to slow down its movement or to stop it completely.
Let’s us break Newton’s first law of motion down into different sections in order to define the key terms. Velocity can be defined as the speed of the body in a particular direction. A force can be defined as a specific kind of pressure that is exerted on a body in order to change its position or to stop its movements. When a body is moving or is at rest, all the external forces acting on it are considered balanced.
It should be noticed that external forces are of varying types: some of them are basic while the others are severe ones. For example, if a person’s cup of tea is resting on the table and an external force is exerted on it to change its position, then this force will be basic since a person would never want his cup to be broken down into pieces by exerting much force on it. At the same time, if a vehicle stops in the midst of the road and the driver asks one of his companions to push it from the back, then the force exerted on this car will be high or severe. Newton’s first law of motion is also called the law of inertia. The term “inertia” means resistance to change in motion. In simple words, it can be said that objects or bodies tend to keep doing what they are made for or what they love to do. For instance, if a truck is moving on the road at a fast speed, the object (the truck) will want to keep moving for a lifetime, but it is an external force (the brakes) that is exerted on it to stop it.
Also, there are a large number of applications of Newton’s first law of motion. The fact is that nature has created a balance between any two objects or bodies and it has taught us how to exert a force on a moving or resting body in order to change what it is doing. There are two types of forces which we need to pay attention to as part of Newton’s first law of motion: the first force is an external force and the second force is an internal force. The external force is the one that intends to change the movement or resting position of a body. The internal force is the force that is exerted by the object itself in response to the external force. If the internal force is greater than the external force, then the object may not change its position or will keep moving in its particular direction, without any problem. However, if the external force is greater than the internal force, then the object might have to stop its movement or change its position instantly.
Another condition is when a balance is created between these two forces: external force and internal force. Sometimes the internal force appears in the form of friction. Friction is the only force that is as powerful as the external force, and it always acts in the opposite direction. When two bodies come in contact, the external force is exerted by the humans, and the internal force appears in the form of friction. If the force exerted by the human or an animal is greater than the force of friction, then the object will certainly change its movement or resting position. On the other hand, if the force of friction is more than the force exerted by a living organism, then the object will not have to change its resting position or quit on its movement. It should be noticed that in most cases, the force of friction is not as much as the force exerted by a human being.
Newton's Second Law of Motion
Newton's first law of motion predicts the behavior of an object against all existing forc...
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