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How Criminal Defenses and Punishments can be Improved for Future Generations

Essay Instructions:


Thank you for writing the first paper for me. I need you again. Please be sure to follow the writing standards that will be attached as well as the instructions below.

It is common knowledge that two controversial issues in the American legal system are the types of criminal defenses and the manner of criminal punishment. In this assignment, you will explore both in their various forms.

Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research the types of criminal defenses and the manner of criminal punishment.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

Specify the key points involved in the court determining the lawfulness of the use of force. Next, evaluate the level of objectivity inherent in each point that you have specified.

Determine the fundamental difference between the castle doctrine and stand your ground types of criminal defenses. Justify the validity of each, and provide one (1) example of each to support your response.

Analyze the overall role that double jeopardy clause plays within the trial system. Next, evaluate the general level of fairness of double jeopardy to the defense. Provide a rationale to support your response.

Specify the basic features of adversarial system. Next, support or critique the value of the adversarial system within the criminal law system in the United States. Justify your response.

Argue for or against the right to a speedy trial, as guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Provide a rationale to support your response.

Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar type Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Criminal Defense and Criminal Punishment
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Criminal Defense and Criminal Punishment
There are several conditions in the field of criminal law that tend to negate some facts of a crime, especially the intent element which is known as defenses. The label defenses may be appropriate in jurisdictions where the accused is assigned some responsibilities or burden before they appear in a tribunal. However, in some jurisdictions, the burden of trying to prove a crime is usually left to the government, and in this case, the government is expected to prove the absence of defenses in case they are implicated (Cole & DeJong, 2018). In a nutshell, in most jurisdictions, the absence of defenses is usually treated to be an element of the crime. Therefore, the defenses can offer partial or total protection from punishment (Obasogie, 2017). There are various types of defenses they include Automatism, mental disorder, intoxication, and lesser harm/necessity, mistake of facts, duress, self-defense, impossibility defense, and legal duty.
On the other hand, punishment can be regarded as the imposition of an unpleasant or undesirable outcome on an individual dispensed by an authority in various contexts, including child discipline and criminal law as a deterrent and response to a certain behavior or action that is considered to be unacceptable or undesirable (Cole & DeJong, 2018). The purpose of punishment could range from conditioning a child to keep off self-enlargement, to imposing some social conformity to protect against future impending harms and defending norms. Besides, punishment ensures that the law is maintained and people respect and honor the rule of law. The undesirable imposition may be a penalty, fine, confinement, and sanctions. This paper will explore both criminal defenses as well as criminal justice and conclusively determine how they can be improved for future generations.
Points in Court Determining Lawfulness of Use of Force
Law enforcement are accorded authority which permits them to use force while accomplishing lawful actions and objectives such as arresting, detention and entry to give a warrant. This element is authorized and determined any some measures that were developed in the case of Graham v. Connor, 490 U.S 386 (1989) by the Supreme Court (Obasogie, 2017). During this case, the court issued a directive that all lower courts should ask three questions which are related to measuring the lawfulness of certain application by use of force. The first question was, what is the severity of the crime that law enforcer deem that the suspect has been committing or has just committed. Secondly, was the defender in a position to present a prompt threat to the public and officers' safety, thirdly, was the suspect refusing to cooperate with officers during the arrest.
The level of objectivity which is inherent in the seriousness of the offense that the officer believes that the suspect has been committing or has already committed is that some offenses are opposing and it is the only force that can be used to stop them from causing more harm. The sole objective of allowing police to intervene and use force in such a situation is to ensure the impact is as minimal as possible (Cole & DeJong, 2018).
When the suspect attempts to present a prompt threat to the officer, the level of objectivity inherent in this case is because there is a dire need to ensure that the public’s safety is protected besides, there is a need for the officer to protect themselves from the dangerous suspects (Cole & DeJong, 2018). Thus, the use of force assists in protecting the public from crime and the officer as well.
Whenever a suspect actively refuses to be arrested or tries to elude, the level of objectivity inherent to that is, ensure that criminals do not run from their unlawful acts. Use of force is applied to ensure justice is serviced and the defendants face the law.
Determine The Fundamental Difference Between The Castle Doctrines And Stand Your Ground Types Of Criminal Defenses. Justify The Validity Of Each
A Castle Doctrine in legal terms can be described as a self-defe...
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