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Crimes And Torts Identify The Actions Or Events

Essay Instructions:

Your task is to read and analyze the story in the doc that i uploaded You must identify 5 crimes and 5 torts from the story. You must then, for each item: list the offense (be it a tort or a crime); identify the actions or events that justify your designation; expressly indicate who is the defendant and the victim for the offense; identify who would be the plaintiff in a proceeding to seek a remedy; and explain what defenses, if any, might be available. Use only complete sentences. You must put the information in 10 separate bundles. No more that 10 will be graded. Please cluster the 5 crimes and 5 torts to facilitate grading.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Crimes and Torts
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Crimes and Torts
Cyril, the defendant has committed a criminal case of murder. He shot the attendant at the parking lot gate when the attendant stopped and questioned him. This happened after Cyril, the defendant, had stolen and switched license plates from different cars that he had stolen. The attendant would be the victim, and his family would be the plaintiff. Cyril would have no defense in this case unless he proves that he did not shoot the attendant.
Cyril, the defendant, has committed a crime of physical assault. He hit the sheriff on the head with a frozen turkey and locked his unconscious body in the trunk of his squad car. This happened he found the sheriff lurking near where the balloon was anchored. The sheriff would be the victim, and his family would be plaintiff seeking justice. There would be no defense in this case unless Cyril did not hit the sheriff.
Cyril has committed a crime of theft. He broke into the firm's office and stole 10,000 dollars, broke into a locker room of the security guard and stole a handgun. In this case, Cyril would be the defendant; the manager in charge of the whole KK firm would be the victim and the plaintiff seeking a remedy. Cyril would have no defense in this case unless he did not steal.
Cyril, who is the defendant, has committed a crime of assault in the form of physical torture. He did this by punching one co-worker in the face intentionally when she suggested that Kendra was a lesbian. The co-worker would be the victim and the plaintiff. Cyril has no defense in this case because he punched the co-worker intentionally even though she was right.
Cyril committed a crime of negligence which led to the death of three people. This occurred when he dr...
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