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Genocide colonial implications for australian aboriginies

Essay Instructions:

discuss with significant examples, an argument that colonialism played a vital role in the genocide of Australian Indigenous people.

You will be assessed on how well you have:

•Argued your case based on evidence/ideas you cite

•Expressed your ideas clearly and succinctly and in logical sequence

•Critically analysed the releva

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Genocide colonial implications for Australian aborigines
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Genocide colonial implications for Australian aborigines
More than 500 massacres of Aboriginal and Islander people in Australia occurred in the twentieth century (Calla, W. 2018). Research indicate that violence begun after the arrival of colonial powers in the late 1980s where by southern Australia was highly affected. British entry into Australian territories carried foreign diseases which highly affected indigenous people of Australia (Miller, L. 2016). Measles and small pox nearly killed all indigenous people especially those who resided in Sydney because their traditional treatment method was not effective thus allowing the plague to consume people.
Australian soil was fertile which promoted successful agricultural practices. British settlers grabbed lands and water sources thus creating conflict between them and Australians (Jackson, S.2017). Settlers exploited native’s land which destroyed their main mean of survival where by indigenous persons who resisted were murdered (Stockton, R. 2017). Indigenous people of Australia did not possess concepts of land ownership policies unlike British settlers who had a developed concept of law of ownership which made them conclude that indigenous people did not have the right to own any land (Barry, J 2016). Attempts to apply the ideology of land ownership policies resulted to conflict where by most indigenous people were killed through terrorism (Shaw, M. 2015). About 25 indigenous persons were murdered in every massacre
Colonialists practiced civilization whereby they forcibly removed indigenous children from their families (Tatz, C. 1999 Pg. 24). The colonial governmen...
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