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The Need to Follow Established Laws and Protocols When Searching a Crime Scene

Essay Instructions:

Explain the need to follow established Laws and Protocol when searching a Crime Scene.
Give examples and explanation of each.
A copy of the essay must be submitted to the designated dropbox by the close Module 6.M
Term Paper Instructions:
The Course Essay will be written in APA (6th edition) Format. This format will consist of the following:
Cover Page
Abstract Page
The Body of the Paper (Content of the Page)
The Reference Page.
The essay must have a MINIMUM of 5 pages of content. NOT to exceed 8 pages of content. The 5-8 pages DO NOT include the Cover Page, Abstract Page and Reference Page. The essay will be written in 12 point Font with one inch (1) margins, doubled spaced, Times Roman Script with the pages numbered. The last page of the essay MUST be at LEAST three quarters (3/4) filled with content. (One or two sentences at the top of the page WILL NOT meet this requirement.) No design or graphics on the Cover Page. No Pictures, Graphs, Charts or Power Points will be included in the body of the essay. The essay will have NO MORE than three (3) quoted or paraphrased passages/sections in the content/body portion of the essay. All specific information mentioned in the essay MUST be referenced using in-text citations (APA 6th edition format) and cited on the Reference Page.
(Graphs, charts, addendums: These items can be attached as addendums to the end of the paper)
The essay MUST have 5 scholarly research reference sources. (Wikipedia and ask.com are NOT scholarly research sources.)
The references MUST be titled and cited using APA (7th edition)
Grading Criteria:
Sentence Structure
Quality of Content
Research Paper Rubric
You will fully discuss and evaluate the question assigned to you. Students will explain the main points, key concepts, and included personal assumptions based on cited references. 100 points.
Essay is required to be at least 5 pages long, not including the Cover Page, Abstract, or Reference Pages. 20 points (20 point deduction for each page under minimum page length requirement)
Justify or support thoughts and responses by using appropriate references from the SPC Online Library resource databases that include professional journals, trade magazines, newspaper articles, textbooks, and other academic references, interviews. Cited and referenced at least five academic articles. 30 points
Use APA 7th edition format consistently and accurately. Use and apply proper in-text citations when paraphrasing or quoting a source and proper listing of references. Meets spelling and proper English grammar requirements and meets required length. The essay MUST be structurally correct. No Run-On, Incomplete Sentences. 30 points.
The essay must be submitted on time and in the correct assignment drop box as a single complete, properly formatted submission. 20 points
Total Points: 200

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Need to Follow Established Laws and Protocols When Searching a Crime Scene
Author’s Name
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Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name
The Need to Follow Established Laws and Protocols When Searching a Crime Scene
Laws are implemented to enhance order in society. Without them, it would be challenging to achieve various objectives, such as searching and collecting relevant materials from the crime scene. Crime scene investigators are required to adhere to set procedures so that they can gather samples that would help them analyze what happened throughout the investigation. If laws are not followed, collected evidence can be damaged, for instance, during transit to a forensic laboratory, resulting in misleading conclusions. When it comes to solving crime, it is good to pay attention to every detail gathered at the scene since it might be the one to complete the puzzle and close the case. Moreover, these regulations protect investigators and highlight the duties and responsibilities of different forensic specialists. When the evidence is collected, it is taken to the right place for analysis, and a report is generated to aid law enforcers in events reconstruction. The primary aim of this paper is to determine the importance of following established laws and protocols when searching a crime scene.
The primary role of police officers is to maintain law and order in society. Detectives achieve this objective by investigating and preventing crimes. Crime investigations must be done fairly, efficiently, and effectively. Police officers have the responsibility to ensure the safety of all citizens without discrimination. For detectives to deliver an efficient and effective crime scene investigation, they need to have a well-documented and structured operational procedure. In other words, all crime scene investigations must be done according to the established law. The protocol or regulations governing crime investigations ought to be compliant with human rights and reflect the best practices. That way, evidence on the crime scene cannot be tampered with leading to adverse consequences. Laws are crucial since they allow police officers to gather all the information they want from the crime scene and use it in their investigation to understand what happened and probably arrest criminals. The purpose of this paper is to explain the need to adhere to established laws and protocols when searching a crime scene.
The set protocol in collecting samples at a crime scene should be followed to avoid tampering with crucial evidence that might lead to the arrest of the perpetrator. In most cases, a crime scene has a variety of physical evidence that can be collected and which can be valuable to the ongoing investigation. Although police officers are supposed to prevent crime, in some instances, crimes happen without their knowledge, and all they are left with is a crime scene. At that juncture, they are required to gather physical evidence to investigate the crime and arrest those involved in it. Some of the samples that help detectives during such investigations are biological evidence, such as hair, body fluids, blood, saliva, and other tissues (James, Nordby, & Bell, 2014). Latent print evidence includes footprints, palmprints, and fingerprints. Tire track if a car was on the crime scene and footwear can be used as evidence too. Others include trace evidence, such as glass fragments, soil, fibers, and vegetation, drug evidence, tool mark evidence, digital evidence, such as email, messages, mobile phone records, and Internet logs, and firearm evidence. As a result, the significance of complying with the established laws and protocols when collecting such samples is to ensure that they are not tampered with and can be analyzed and lead to the arrest of culprits or understand what exactly happened.
Sample evidence from the crime scene must be collected by professionals. Not everyone can be sent to a crime scene to gather samples. Some examples of crime scene experts are information technology specialists that collect digital evidence, forensic scientist, fingerprint technician, autopsy technician, and a pathologist. Every expert plays an essential role and ensures that samples on the crime scene are collected and kept safely. Besides, these samples are used during the investigation. Currently, the rapid advancement of technology has promoted the use of mobile devices that are used in crime scene investigations. For instance, forensic experts use unique apps, mobile technology, and crime scene units to gather the evidence they want (James, Nordby, & Bell, 2014). That is why police officers should secure a crime scene and restrict the public from accessing it to avoid tampering with the evidence that might help them apprehend the criminals involved.
The established laws and protocols facilitate faster identification of crime scenes, which hastens the investigation process. In particular, crime scene analysts usually appear at the core of investigations. The sample evidence collected at the crime scene significantly affects the analysis speed, decisions made, and the quality of conclusions (Watalingam, Richetelli, Pelz, & Speir, 2017). The analyst theory that is used for event reconstruction can be limited by a forensic examiner’s failure to recognize significant evidence. For example, if the set procedure is not followed appropriately, irrelevant materials might be collected from the crime scene, which increases the backlog in a forensic laboratory and can lead to an unproducti...
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