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How Rise in Violent Crimes and Theft Affects Criminal Justice System in My Community

Essay Instructions:

In your criminal justice career, you’ll encounter many local and community problems to solve. These problems can often be addressed through initiatives funded locally and by typical budgetary requests. However, sometimes you need to get community support for a problem before you can bring a solution. In this assignment, you write a paper expanding on the problem you identified in this week’s discussion.
Review the Reality Check at the end of Step: 3, “Writing a Compelling Problem Statement,” in Winning Grants Step by Step. This explains the trap of circular reasoning and how to avoid it when communicating a problem.
Write a 525- to 700-word paper in which you do the following:
Describe a problem within your community that affects your criminal justice system.
Identify the population that is affected by the problem.
Explain how the problem creates needs within your community.
Research and include at least 1 outside research resource supporting the existence of the identified problem (e.g., statistical data, newspaper article, local government board minutes).
Select a funding source from the options that you’ve identified in your research or in this week’s discussion with your peers, and explain how the funding source aligns with your problem.
Identify 1 potential collaborator that would benefit from addressing this problem and may help you compile and present a grant proposal.
Submit your assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Problem and Needs Analysis
Due Date
Problem and Needs Analysis
One of the major problems within my community that affects the criminal justice system is a rise in violent crimes and theft. The violent crimes are mostly reported as assault, and they happen to go hand in hand with theft cases. Every day, there are reports of an assault or theft that raises the alarm in the community. The situation has gotten so bad that some sections of the city have been mapped out as dangerous the moment it gets dark. People have been warned to avoid certain alleys and streets that seem to attract a large number of perpetrators of these crimes. It is a sad state of affairs to have a city but not be able to enjoy it as a whole because of a few people who have decided to wreak havoc. As a community, we happen to be at the mercy of perpetrators whose numbers appear to be rising with every given day. Other sections of the city are also being said to be becoming increasingly insecure because the perpetrators are becoming bold enough to spread into other regions that were deemed beyond their reach.
The residents of the city are the most affected population. Currently, many people are admitted to hospitals because of assault cases, and others are nursing wounds inflicted by individuals with little regard for life. According to a Neighborhood Scout (2022) report, the crime rate in Abilene, Texas, stands at 4.11 per 1000 residents for violent crime and 21.33 per 1000 residents for property crimes. When comparing murder and rape cases in Abilene, Texas, to the numbers for the whole of the U.S., Abilene happens to post significantly higher rates. The rate of rape, for example, stands at 0.93 per 1000 residents, while the whole of the U.S. is 0.38 (Neighborhood Scout, 2022). Such figures spell doom for the residents, and there is indeed a need to enhance the safety of the residents. The police are greatly affected by the problem because of the challenge of fighting an increasingly violent and dangerous group. Some police officers have been gravely injured while on duty, and others have decided to quit because of the overwhelming level...
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