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Legal environment of Business

Essay Instructions:

Recently, the Department of State has begun the process of “normalizing” trade relations between the United States and Cuba. This means that the United States has opened an embassy in Cuba and Cuba has opened an embassy in the U.S. This also means that restrictions on trade and travel between the countries will be relaxed (previously, only limited trade was permitted between the countries), though right now, significant trade barriers and embargoes remain.

For this assignment, assume that you are a small business in the United States and you manufacture auto parts used in the repair of cars. You would like to know how you can take advantage of this new market, where your particular goods will be especially in demand. But how do you get started?

Review the following sources first. Answer the questions that follow


1. Are Americans permitted to export auto parts to Cuba today? Why or why not?

2.Does the Executive Action authorize the sale of auto parts to Cuba by American exporters? Explain.

3.The NPR story you listened to suggests that it is only a matter of time before additional exports, including American auto parts, will be permitted to go to Cuba. What has to happen to make that feasible?

4.Does the last story regarding the Trump administration’s rethinking of the Cuba policy change any of your previous answers? How so?


PBS Newshour Summary of the Helms-Burton Act

How America’s Relationship with Cuba will Change (NY Times, Dec. 17, 2014)

White House Fact Sheet on Cuba (Dec. 17, 2014)

Listen to the NPR Story: Cuba's Famous Vintage Cars Could Find Their Way Off The Island

Read: Trump Rethinking Obama-era Cuba Policy

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date Legal Environment of Business Question 1 The Americans are not allowed to export the auto parts to Cuba today because of the economic sanctions that were put in place during the cold war that prohibited any trade between the two countries. These sanctions have remained in effect up to date. However, there are intervention measures that were put in place in 2016 during president Barrack Obama's reign to ease the restrictions (“Fact Sheet”). The policy removed the trade barrier for the telecommunications devices, certain products, and software to organizations supporting the human rights and the agricultural commodities export from the United States to Cuba. The trade barriers against the importation of the auto parts are still yet to be lifted which means that Americans are not allowed to exports these auto parts to Cuba. Question 2 The executive action by the president of the United States can authorize the sale of the auto parts to Cuba by the American producers and exporters. The president has the authority to lift the economic embargo and allow the United States and Cuba to trade freely. For instance, a proportion of the Helms-Burton Act that prohibited foreign investors from investing in Cuban companies, formerly owned by American, was continually suspended by President Clinton until the end of his term (PBS NewsHour). In 2016, president Barrack Obama started the process of lifting the embargo with several accomplishments recorded during the period (Parlapiano). The only thing that was left unaccomplished is streamlining the whole process so the trade and travel between the two countries could be achieved successfully. That means that the executives can lift the embargo and facilitate the export of auto parts from United States to Cuba. Question 3 The Cuban market is almost opening up for almost every commodity from the United States. The policy first started by authorizing the telecommunication industry products exports to the market. This action was to pave the way for the opening up of the infrastructure and the...
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